The Hunt For A Sword

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It was a rainy day in Konoha, there were a few people bustling on the streets but not nearly as much as the usual. Naruto, however, was very excited, he had seen a sword on a flyer for sale. It was a long ninjato. A straight sword, made from a strong metal with a sharp blade that would pierce hard substances. He had saved up for over a month to get it, even having to skip on ramen for a few nights, but he was sure it would be worth it.

He told Sasuke where he was going and left hurriedly. He ran through the streets excitedly, he couldn't wait to use his amazing sword. Finally, he got there, he walked up to the man selling it at asked, 'Hey, is this where the Ninjato blade is being sold?'

'Yes, it is' said the man as he face Naruto.

His face had an immediate change as his smile turned to a frown then a scowl. His eyes narrowed into an angry expression and he looked straight at Naruto.

'What do you want here!' He yelled.

Naruto looked at him with a confused expression, 'I just came here to buy the sword, I'm not looking for trouble.'

'Why did you have to come here, couldn't you go and die somewhere else, did you have to try and drag us all to hell with you?' The man yelled.

The words cut deep, Naruto was confused, angry and sad all at the same time. For some reason,he didn't know, the villagers had always hate him as if he had committed a horrible crime although he was sure he hadn't.

The man shoved him out of the store. As he landed on his back, he was covered in mud from the wet ground. Beside him a long black object splashed beside him.

'Take the blade and go! YOU DEMON!'

Not many people were on the road but it felt like everyone who was there was watching. Each glare cutting deeper than the sword. He tried to pay, that was what he always intended to do, but the man just hit him and once more kicked him out of the shop.

Naruto blood ran cold, he picked up the blade and ran, and ran, and ran, and ran. He reached the training grounds and just hugged the wooden trunk and cried. A constant stream fell from his eyes, almost as the rain did all around him.

'Why does everyone hate me so much? What did I do to deserve this treatment? I am always nice to everyone and never mistreat them and yet I'm treated like a criminal' he thought.

He grabbed the blade he just got, it was a long blade about 25 inches. In terms of swords it wasn't that long, although for a child as young as Naruto, at 13, it was a decent size if not big. It was sheathed in a black casing. Naruto drew out the sword, it was a white colour, it was crystal clear and Naruto could see his own reflection in it. The rain, the tears, everything.

As he looked in his reflection, he saw a change in his eyes. They were red, crimson red and one seemed to have 2 commas in a pin-wheel sort of shape and the other 1 comma in the same pin-while sort of shape.

'They are called the sharingan' a voice called out behind him.

Naruto turned around brandishing his sword. Then he saw his sensei, Kakashi.

'What?' Naruto said between sobs.

'The Sharingan' Kakashi continued.

'They are a dojutsu aka special eyes unique to the Uchiha clan. Look like you have an incomplete pair, the comma things are called tomoe. In one of your eyes you got two and in the other 1. With training you will eventually get 3 in both eyes. Then in rare cases under extreme conditions the Mangekyō sharingan awakens.'

'The Mangekyō sharingan?' Naruto asked.

'That's a story for another time' Kakashi replied.

'What do they do?' Naruto asked.

'They give you increased insight, you can see things almost in slow motion for example: an enemy in combat, however, seeing and having the speed to dodge are two different things. It also lets you see chakra and copy ninjutsu and also perform a variety of genjutsu. This is just a simple summary and I haven't gone into a lot of detail.' Kakashi said holding his left eye.

'I can copy ninjutsu! Cool!' Said Naruto wiping away his tears.

'Where did you get that blade from?' Asked Kakashi.

'I tried to buy it but got bullied instead' said Naruto almost crying again. 'They kept calling me a demon.'

Kakashi consoled Naruto and just told him to ignore them and that the bullies  didn't know what they were saying.

He then trained with Naruto showing him how his new eyes worked, and how to use his sword.


Thanks for reading. This was my way of putting a spin on things and changing the story from canon. This story isn't meant to the same thing as canon.

I hope you liked it. I tried my best and didn't want Naruto to be overpowered which is why I gave him an incomplete pair, with 2 tomoe in 1 eye and 1 in the other.

I just wanted to build up character a bit.

Thanks for reading, and please favourite this book, if you like it, it encourages me a lot.


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