Even Stronger

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Naruto could finally leave the chunin exam's building and he had one month to train. He knew he had to make the best of it, however, what was more important was to check up on Sasuke.

'Kakashi Sensei, can I please see Sasuke?' Naruto asked, obviously worried about his brother.

'Alright' said Kakashi, after all there was no reason not to.

Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura all went to visit Sasuke at the recovery room. Sasuke was already awake, however, he wasn't allowed to leave the hospital for about 2 days. Naruto told Sasuke about his match against Temari, and told him they would have one month to train for the next stage of the chunin exams. And with that, Naruto remembered to ask Kakashi an important question.

'Hey Kakashi Sensei, can you please train me for the next stage of the chunin exams' Naruto said, trying his best to use his puppy doll eyes.

However, Kakashi was already planning on training Sasuke and had made preparations for it.

'I can't Naruto, but I can find you a better teacher, I promise.' Kakashi said

'Awww come on... No teacher you could get me knows more jutsus than you' said Naruto.

'Ninjutsu isn't the only way to get strong Naruto, trust me...' replied Kakashi.

Kakashi left Naruto and Sakura in Sasuke's room and went to the Hokage's office. Kakashi asked the third hokage, if he knew where Jiraiya, one of the legendary sannin's, were. He wanted to request Jiraiya to train Naruto, after all, Jiraiya had taught Naruto's father, Minato.

'Yes, he is in the village. Go to the bath house, you will probably find him doing his 'research'. ' Said Hiruzen, definetely ashamed of his former students behaiviour.

'Thank you Sir' said Kakashi but before he could body flicker to the bath house. Hiruzen stopped him.

'I have a question...' he began. 'What type of training has Naruto been doing to get so strong' the Hokage asked with great interest. He was tremendously impressed with Naruto's skills during his battle against Temari.

'Well, I would be lying if I took all the credit. It has mostly been through his own efforts and ambitions to become Hokage. He has already learnt 4 of the 5 nature transformations, I expect he will be a great Shinobi one day' Kakashi said, proud of his student's progress.

'I am sure, if he keeps up with this level of dedication, he will bear the name of Hokage' Hiruzen said smiling.

With that Hiruzen dismissed Kakashi and Kakashi went to the bath house.

As expected, there stood Jiraiya the Gallant, peeking at women having a shower. Jiraiya was a man in his 50's but make no mistake, he is one of the most powerful shinobi in the world. Jiraiya was easy to spot, he had long white hair, which spiked like a porcupine along his back. He was dressed in a red coat, with a green shirt underneath and a some sort of chain armour visible underneath the shirt. He also had red markings on his face, which stood out.

'Master Jiraiya' Kakashi said.

'Who is asking' the man called back, stilling peeking at the young women.

'It is me, Kakashi' Kakashi called back.

'Ah, Minato's student' Jiraiya recalled. 'I haven't seen you in a while. What do you need?'

'It is about Minato's son.'

This caught Jiraiya's interest, and he finally tuned around.

'Can you please train him for a while before the next stage of the chunin exams...' Kakashi asked, hoping he would agree.

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