The Finals

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One month had passed since the first stages of the chunin exams took place. To Naruto it only felt as it was yesterday. There were only a handful of shinobi left at this stage of the chunin exams: Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, Rock Lee and Shikamaru. Naruto was excited to continue the chunin exams, he felt ready and like he could do anything in the world. He had not wasted the last one month with Jiraiya; He had learnt the summoning jutsu and learnt some genjutsu with his sharingan. He knew that he could face whatever came his way, as long as he tried his best. He was also extremely excited to see his brother, Sasuke. He hadn't seen him since he left the village over a month ago.

Naruto and Jiraiya were coming close to the village and they could see the gates of Konoha rising as they got closer. Finally, the two shinobi were right in front of it. The entrance to Konohagakure , above it being the insignia of konoha. The giant walls, shielding Konoha from invasion extended from this point in a giant circle. Naruto knew, behind these gates, was his home. However, he also knew behind these gates were new challenges and all sorts of tests, but most importantly to him, behind those gates were his brother Sasuke and Ichiraku ramen of course.

The gates opened, as a view of the village began to shine through. Naruto and Jiraiya walked in and made a quick stop at Ichiraku ramen, so Naruto could have some food before the exams started. The village felt a bit empty and Teuchi (the man who owned Ichiraku ramen) explained it was because everyone had already gone to the stadium to watch the finals of the chunin exams, and that we would be there aswell, cheering Naruto on.

This made Naruto happy as he knew this could be the moment he finally gained the respect from his village, he knew he deserved. After eating the ramen and paying, Naruto and Jiraiya parted ways, as Jiraiya needed to go somewhere else to continue his 'research' but promised Naruto, he would be back. Naruto was disappointed but knew he had to get to the stadium soon, after all he would be competing. Naruto said his good-byes and hurried of as fast as he could to the stadium. Naruto arrived quickly and went into a locker room of sorts, where all the contestants were meant to stay, and here, the jonins supervising the exams told them their match ups. They were to happen as listed:

Naruto Vs Sasuke

Neji Vs Lee


Shikamaru Vs Gaara

Naruto heart began to beat hard. He couldn't believe he was up against his brother, out of all the people, why did it have to be him he fought.

The finals were about to commence as all the contestants were taken onto the actual grounds where the would have their battle. It was a sureal moment for Naruto, seeing all the people who would be watching him. The stadium was constructed in an elliptical structure without a roof. It was much bigger than were the genin had had their last battles. The field in which they would battle would be a circular shape, with the spectators sitting high above them, watching down below to give everyone a good view. The Hokage sat in his own special viewing room, and beside him was the Kazekage (the leader of the village hidden in the sand, where Gaara was from).

The starting ceremony was about to begin and Sasuke was nowhere to be found, Naruto was upset by this and worried, maybe it would be for the best as he didn't want to fight his brother.

However, Sasuke did show up just as the finals were about to commence.

'So, I have to fight you brother?' Sasuke asked looking at Naruto. It was obvious he didn't like the idea.

'Yes, but no holding back. I want to give the people a good show. You have to try your best.' Naruto said, smiling at his brother, he couldn't wait to see how strong his brother had gotten.

'Okay Naruto' Sasuke replied as they fist bumped.

Naruto took a deep breath as all the genin walked unto the stage. There were loud noises from all around them, it was honestly a bit scary for Naruto. However, he wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. He held tightly onto the handle of his new ninjato (a blade) he had gotten during his training with Jiraiya, as he had left his other blade in the forest of death, as he couldn't bear to take it with him, after it was used to gruesomely kill Dosu.

But Naruto put that in the back of his head. It wasn't time to be distracted. He needed to focus.

It was now time for Naruto and Sasuke to battle, they were lead unto the field, Naruto and Sasuke fist bumped one last time before moving to either end of the referee

'3.....2.....1.... GO!' The referee yelled.


Thank you for reading, I am sure all of you are surprised by how Naruto and Sasuke are fighting each other instead of Neji and Naruto like in canon, but, trust me I have a reason.

Anyways, thanks for reading, I know this chapter doesn't have much action, but it was because I was using this chapter to lay the foundations for what was to come next. The next couple of chapter will be much more interesting.

Thank you again, please favourite if you like this story, and please comment any suggestions you have.



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