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It was beautiful morning, the sun shined bright. Naruto looked out the window and looked around, it was amazing how spectacular everything seemed that day. It was early but the village of Konohagakure was already bustling. People in all sorts of clothing walked about, merchant with their caravans walked the dusty roads. The school children ran to the academy and the wives of house holds went in and out of grocery shops with food stuff.

Naruto looked around for Sasuke. He then realised that he had already woken up.

'You could have woken me up you know.' He said with a frown.

'You can do that yourself.' Sasuke replied. 'Now hurry up, I don't want to be late.'

Naruto hurried into the bathroom and took a shower and brushed his teeth. He was craving some of his favourite ramen but remembered how Kakashi had instructed them not to eat. He rushed back downstairs and then he and Sasuke left, locking the door behind them.

The jumped from roof top to roof top racing to see who could get to the training fields first. Naruto ran as quickly as he could. He was used to this, he had been doing it since he was little and knew the terrain well. The buildings were fairly close to each other so jumping from one wooden roof to the other was fairly easy, although there was always the odd lengthy jump, however Naruto could do those with ease.

Sasuke got to the training grounds first, with Naruto slightly behind him.

'I won again loser' said Sasuke taunting his brother.

'It only cause I tripped on the roof' Naruto said, wiping the dust of his clothes.

'You really need to stop being so clumsy' Sasuke said.

Sakura arrived a couple minutes later and began chatting to Sasuke. Naruto ,without fail, teased his brother. Sasuke didn't really pay attention to Sakura, so Naruto spoke to her instead.

Hours passed and Kakashi had still not arrived. Naruto was getting angry. He hadn't eaten for many hours and now Kakashi was late. Sasuke didn't look very happy either. However, Kakashi finally appeared.

'Jeez, took you long enough' Naruto said angrily.

'What's your excuse this time' he added.

'Sorry, I got lost on the path of life' Kakashi said, hoping they would believe his lie.

Naruto wanted to argue more but Sasuke stoped him and looked at Kakashi.

'Why did you call us out here, what is the training meant to be?' Said Sasuke, tired of waiting.

'Oh, right. Today you guys are going to try and get these bells from me.' Kakashi said.

He pulled out two silver bells attached to a red string; He then tied the pair of bells into his trouser.

He explained to them, they were meant to take these bells from him before afternoon or they would all return to the academy. 

'One more thing, come at me with the intent to kill' he said blankly.

This took the three genin by surprise but they agreed.

The test had started and all three of the genin were hidden in the trees.

'Naruto, I will attack him from the front, you need to get under him using your earth style jutsu and try grabbing the bells.' Said Sasuke

'Alright' Naruto replied.

'What do I do?' Sakura asked.

'Stay here' said Sasuke without even looking at her.

And with that he was gone.

'Sorry, he can be a bit cold sometimes' Naruto apologise for Sasuke.

Naruto hid behind the trees. He weaved the hand signs.

'Earth release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique' he said quietly.

Naruto entered the ground and waited patiently for Sasuke's signal.

Above the ground, Sasuke approached Kakashi and without wasting time, weaved the hand signs for the fire ball jutsu.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

'Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Technique'

The giant fire ball came rushing at Kakashi and while Kakashi was surprised by Sasuke proficiency at Fire Style, he was easily able to dodge the Ninjutsu. He then brought out a book and began to read. Sasuke was angered by this and decided to encircle Kakashi using another jutsu.

Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger

'Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique'

This created a plethora of fire balls which Sasuke shot around Kakashi surrounding him. Sasuke called out to Naruto, 'NOW NARUTO!' He yelled.

Naruto shoot out of the ground grabbing the bells, however, Kakashi spun around and managed barely, just barely to avoid getting the bells snatched away.

He applauded them and began to speak.

'Good job, but this is a three man exercise and there is only two of you. Normally, I would fail you right away but I will give you one more chance to perform as a team or it's back to the academy with you.' Said Kakashi.

Naruto and Sasuke retreated to where Sakura still was. They told Sakura that they needed to include her in the attack or would fail. They had one challenge to overcome, they knew they couldn't use the same strategy again at least without updating it as Kakashi would see through it.

They spent some time conjuring up a new plan before going at it again.

Naruto crossed his fingers, 'Shadow clone jutsu', this was a forbidden jutsu he had learned it when he was tricked into stealing it from the third hokage after a chunin named Mizuki promised to buy him ramen and that the third hokage just forgot to give it to him earlier.

The shadow clone weaved hand signs and used the Earth release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique to go under ground. Using the trees as cover, he snuck into a river which flanked around Kakashi. Naruto had 3 minutes before he needed to take a breath of air and Sasuke knew they had to act fast. Sasuke rushed at Kakashi while Sakura flanked him, Kakashi was not stressed and just easily weaved the attacks. Naruto's shadow clone popped out of the ground attempting to snatch the bells although Kakashi just dodged the clone already seeing the trick the first time.

He was disappointed at them using the same trick twice.

The real Naruto underwater weaved the ram then tiger hand seal jumped out of the water and used the Water release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field to produce a honey like syrup of high viscosity to cause Kakashi to get stuck together. And they easily stole the bells.

After getting ride of the viscous substance on him, Kakashi spoke.

'Good job guys! You really worked well out there together. I was genuinely impressed by the level of effort you guys put into this exercise. Naruto and Sasuke, your ninjutsu is very impressive. And Sakura, you're quite strong and your punches are definitely going to leave a bruise. Anyways you pass. I better get home and have a shower, see you guys tomorrow at 9am sharp, for our first mission' he finished and then disappeared.

'Good job guys, that was awesome' Naruto said with a massive grin. 'I have an idea, why don't we go to Ichiraku Ramen as a celebration, I will treat everyone. I'm quite hungry, I haven't eaten since last night.'

'Alright, since you're paying' Sasuke said.

And with that they went to Ichiraku ramen and had an amazing time.


Thanks for reading. I genuinely appreciate it if you read this whole chapter, it is quite lengthy but I hope you enjoyed it.

I tried my best with the fight scene. I'm not trying to make any of the characters overpowered. Although this Naruto at this point is much stronger than canon Naruto at this same point. Anyways thanks for reading :D

Please favourite this playlist, if you like it, it encourages me a lot!


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