One V One

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The team arrived beaten and bruised but they most important thing was that they were alive. They got into the tower and opened their scrolls. They hadn't opened it throughout the test as they were told not to. However, they were allowed to now, at least they were pretty sure they were allowed to. After opening the scroll, a billowing of smoke surrounded them and after the smoke had dissipated, there stood their old teacher, Iruka. Iruka congratulated the team of genin on their accomplishment and told them the point of the exercise. Afterwards, the team was lead into a room, it was designed as an arena from the looks of it, with stairs on the sides leading to a spectator's stand. What caught the genins' eyes was a giant statue of a pair of hands performing a hand seal, the arms of the statue were covered in a green sort of amour from the looks of it.

There was a large gathering of people on the ground floor, most of them being genins who had survived the forest of death. At the front of the room, stood the jonins and the senseis of the different groups, at the centre of them being Hiruzen, the third Hokage. They seemed to whisper among themselves but Naruto didn't take any notice really, he was more concerned about Sasuke; What he did in the forest of death was chilling and shook Naruto to the core.

'Hey Naruto' Sasuke whispered looking directly at his brother. 'Do not mention the thing that happened in the forest to Sakura or Kakashi sensei.'

'What if it is dangerous? I have never seen that mark on your neck before, and I have lived with you your whole life.' Naruto replied, looking nervous.

'Don't worry, I am fine' Sasuke said, trying to give Naruto a smile to calm him down.

'Okay Sasuke, if your sure...' Naruto finished.

That was the end of that conversation.

'Attention everyone' boomed a voice from the front of the room. It was the third hokage and everyone turned to face him.

'I and the Jonin here have decided that there are way too many of you to hold the next stage of the exams, and thus we have decided to hold a series of matches, a one versus one, to reduce the numbers' he said with a puff of smoke escaping his mouth each time, he had always been a heavy smoker. 'If you wish to exit this stage now, please raise your hand.'

No one really bothered to raise their hands, they didn't come this far to back out now, but one person did. It was the white haired boy who had given them information at the very start of the exams, it seemed like a life time before now to Naruto. His reasoning was not having enough chakra to continue, and to be fair neither did Naruto. However, Naruto didn't want to give up just yet.

'All right, if that is all, look up at the board and look out for your name and your opponent. We will get on with these battles immediately' Hiruzen called, turning round and walking back towards the jonins he was with.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura looked at the board, they were anxiously scanning through the list wondering who they had been matched up with.

Naruto was fighting someone called Temari.

Sasuke was fighting someone called Yoroi

And Sakura was matched with her rival Ino

Naruto noticed a girl, the one he had seen with the red haired guy who Kabuto had told them was called Gaara, looking at him. He assumed she was Temari.

With the matches about to start, everyone went up to the spectator's stands and waited for the first matchup to be called.

'Hey guys' Kakashi called waving as he closed his book. 'You passed so props to you. By the way eat this' he said tossing three pills at the genins. 'They are chakra pills, it should replenish some of your  chakra although just a little bit, so think carefully while going into battle.'

'Thanks Kakashi Sensei' Naruto said. He was contemplating telling Kakashi about Sasuke's weird new mark given to him by that snake guy. But he could feel Sasuke staring holes through him and decided not to say anything.

'Sasuke' Kakashi called. 'You too Naruto.'

The two Ninja walked up to their sensei, leaving Sakura behind.

'Sasuke, that mark on your neck, I know about it.' Kakashi said staring down on the mark.

The two genin were frozen in shock wondering how Kakashi had found out so quickly.

'It is called a cursed mark seal, it gives you amazing powers but at a cost to you and if you are caught using it, you will not be allowed to continue anymore. I am assuming the guy who gave it to you was one of the three legendary sannin, Orochimaru. It reacts to chakra so don't use your jutsus, even the sharingan.

This shocked Naruto and Sasuke, but before they had time to discuss it any further, the first matchup was announced and as faith would wield it, it was Sasuke's match up first.

'Dang.' Sasuke said under his breath. 'How am I going to handle this guy...'

Sasuke leapt down from the balcony, and stared at his opponent. Sasuke couldn't see his face as it was concealed by dark glasses and some sort of cloth covering his face. Over his brows was his head band, with the crest of the hidden leaf village engraved into the metal. Sasuke knew he was in trouble, he couldn't use any jutsu, not even his sharingan. Going by taijutsu alone, he still didn't have a lot of strength due to his lack of chakra, even though he had already consumed Kakashi's chakra pill.

Unbeknownst to any one in the room, Orochimaru was watching, under a new face. He was excited to watch the fight unfold, to see Sasuke's potential, although he already knew he was quite powerful after finding out it was Sasuke who killed Dosu, and with such ease as well. But this time, he knew Sasuke was at a disadvatage as his opponent was able to absorb chakra, something Sasuke was already low on.

The referee of the fight walked to the centre.

3......2......1....... GO!


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