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Naruto stayed with his brother in the recovery room, not bothering to watch the other matches. He knew Sasuke would be fine however, as the doctors told him Sasuke's injuries were not severe, but he would need to rest for a couple days. The good news is that, the doctors had already used some healing jutsu to fix Sasuke's wrists.

'Naruto.' A voice called.

Naruto looked up at his brother, who was trying to sit up in his bed and rushed to his side.

'I am here Sasuke.' Naruto replied.

'Wow... you have really gotten strong' Sasuke replied as he winced at the pain throbbing from his wrist.

'So have you Sasuke' Naruto answered, feeling his bruised side.

'But your stronger' Sasuke said quickly. He seemed upset at the fact.

'Doesn't mean that you can't be stronger than me in future, although it's not like I am just going to let that happen' Naruto said with a grin. Naruto waited from a reply, but none came. He looked at his brother face, he seemed to be deep in thought although it seemed like negative thoughts.

'Sasuke... do you really still want to kill Itachi' Naruto asked staring directly into his brother's eyes.

'Yes.' Sasuke called back, not even giving it a second thought.

'Sasuke, you know more than anyone I understand your pain. I have lost two different family, one I didn't even know at all. However, I do not think seeking revenge all our lives is what they would have wanted.' Naruto replied.

'You have got to be joking' Sasuke said glaring at Naruto. 'He killed mother and father, my uncle and aunt, everyone I loved and left me all alone.'

'He didn't leave you alone, you have still got me.' Naruto said. 'Do you not care about me!' The boy exclaimed.

'I do' Sasuke said. 'That is why I want you to join me in my quest for revenge. Together, we can avenge everyone who was killed by Itachi that horrible night.'

Naruto did not agree with the idea and persisted on dissuading his brother.

'I just don't think another two lives should be wasted by Itachi, that's all...' Naruto said, trying his best to make Sasuke see his point of view.

'I see what is happening' Sasuke began. 'So because you beat me in this fight, you think you can talk to me like I am a little kid, you must think your so high and mighty.' Sasuke said with a bit of anger. 'If that is the case, I will just get stronger than you, so much stronger that even the third hokage will be put to shame.'

All of sudden, a massive boom could be heard from outside of the room. It sounded distant but this worried the two brothers. They scrambled out of the recovery section and quickly made their way into the spectator's stand. It seemed there was a battle ensuing, with Kakashi and another jonin at the heart of it. In the vicinity was a purple cube, but what was in it was unbeknownst to the group.

'Kakashi Sensei!' Naruto called out. 'What is going on?!' He yellled.

'Someone has invaded the leaf village, seemingly in the hopes of destroying it. It happened after that Gaara kid seemingly lost his mind, while fight Rock Lee, after seeing his blood or something. Then out of nowhere, all these sand shinobi began to swarm in. Gaara was vacated of the arena, with Rock Lee giving chase. It seems this is an organized attack.'

Kakashi and the jonin had finished fighting the shinobi that were present there, but it seemed another wave of shinobi were arriving. Kakashi weaved some hand signs.

Boar Dog Bird Monkey Ram

Summoning Jutsu

A small dog, wearing a blue shirt appeared.

'Pakkun, can you help me track me some genin?' Kakashi asked the small dog.

'Yeah, sure. Got any thing with their scent on it?' The dog barked back.

'I got Lee's hair comb.' The other jonin answered, giving them all a bright smile.

'Who are you?' Naruto asked.

'I am Guy, Rock Lee's sensei.' The man responded.

'This isn't time for introductions. Naruto and Sakura, Pakkun will lead you to Lee. Help him take down Gaara.' Kakashi ordered.

'I want to go to' Sasuke said, obviously not wanting to be left behind.

'No, your meant to be recovering, there is no reason to put yourself in harm's way' Kakashi stated.

'I don't care what the doctors said, I feel fine' Sasuke said persistently.

'Alright, but be careful, don't over do it.' Kakashi replied.

And with that, the group of four left the arena, in the hopes of helping Rock Lee defeat Gaara.

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