Chapter 21: The Undercroft

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Chapter 21: The Undercroft

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Chapter 21: The Undercroft

"There is tension in between us,
I just wanna give in,"
Camila Cabello

Penelope Silverthorn sat on the edge of the bed in silence. Her fingers gripped the wooden pillar as her tired eyes stared at the floor. The cloudy ambiance of the morning sky beyond her windows didn't improve things.

Penelope had lost sleep from staying up that night in the Hospital Wing. Luckily, no students reacted again after the turbulent night. It was reported that the students from St Mungos were also doing alright, so the stress was gone for a few days.

The stress of the students was gone but now, Penelope stressed over the sleep deprivation. She stressed over the pain she felt inside her body. She stressed over the avoidance and guilt she felt towards Sebastian Sallow.

"Luna," Penelope sighed, feeling the white dog jump onto the bed and lick her face to attempt a positive mood.

As the dog detected stressful emotions in its owner, it kept doing kind gestures as Penelope just sat there in a bad posture and wasted time that morning.

Penelope petted and kissed the dog once before forcing herself to stand up from that rotting bedroom and start the day.

"Alright, come on. I know you want to go to that Vivarium, Luna." Penelope motioned and the dog jumped happily, following.

Penelope Silverthorn yawned multiple times on her way to the faculty meeting that was scheduled after breakfast. She had been skipping the first meal of the day, but it didn't bother her at that point. All she wanted to do was solve the case and go back home. Right?

"Miss...Miss Silverthorn. Thank you for joining us this morning." Matilda Weasley greeted upon the entering.

Sebastian Sallow sat tiredly over his seat, watching the woman enter that meeting room in a weakening movement. He tried his best not to pay attention to her, but it was impossible to not detect the dark circles and pale lips.

When Penelope took a seat, you could already feel a heavy aura lingering on the air as she brought her weight down slowly and looked around at the, also, tired adult faces.

"Good morning." Penelope said, but almost in a whisper from the tiredness.

The room was pure silent and it killed Penelope Silverthorn.

"How are you feeling?" The headmistress asked her.

Penelope didn't think much about the directed questions. She had been scattered with questions like these from Percy Dumbledore the last few days on how she was feeling from the magic.

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