Chapter 24: Matching Rings

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Chapter 24: Matching Rings

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Chapter 24: Matching Rings

"I'm half a heart without you,
I'm half a man, at best,
with half an arrow in my chest."
One Direction

Faint laughter filled the air of the tree garden, dancing amidst the rustling summer leaves and lowering sunlight. You could see the majestic peaks of the Hogwarts castle from a watchful gaze upon the young couple.

Penelope Silverthorn and Sebastian Sallow lay beneath the Enchanted Elm Tree; if you saw the two students from a distance, you wouldn't have detected the white tree due to Penelope's spell. It was a comforting embrace.

It became a hidden sanctuary, and time seemed to be non-existent as they were there. Penelope's magic shielded the safe place with love and care.

"No more, Sallow!"

Sebastian Sallow rested on his side on top of a knitted blanket and his elbow rested against the grass from his tall height while the other arm held grapes.

"Awe, come on. You were doing well catching them with your mouth!" Sebastian chuckled, "One more."

Penelope Silverthorn sat nicely near the white tree. A pink dress with curly white patterns illuminated her skin as she moved around with the playful gestures. There was a white bow hanging on her hair that Anne Sallow let her borrow for the day.

It was a perfect date.

Sebastian became mesmerized by the presence upon him. His smile never left as he stared at the beauty of his one and only; he had to take a heavy breath from how breathless he became at the sight.

"Fine..." Sebastian put the grapes aside, "I got you something." He stood up, waving his wand, and dragged his body lazily to reach behind the tree.

Penelope blushed, "What? No. You know I'm not a huge fan of gifts—"

Sebastian waved around a few fresh roses from behind his back and held them up, "You can't deny flowers. Especially, your favorites."

Penelope smiled widely, surprised at the sight of roses knowing they weren't really grown around the region, "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious." Sebastian waved them, "Spent eternity traveling the world for them." He spoke in sarcasm.

"How gracious of you," Penelope spoke back in sarcasm.

As Sebastian prepared to hand her the roses perfectly, there was an odd movement from the plant, causing him to wince in pain at a random cut.

"Ouch," The flowers in his hands fell onto the floor from the unexpected cut as he looked down at his bleeding finger.

Penelope furrowed, "Oh, what happened?"

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