Chapter 15 Old Photos

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Regardless of whether the action just now is true or false, it is difficult to get entangled with the opponent for this reason. The girl suddenly looked embarrassed, said sorry and left in a hurry. Chi Tang, who was chatting with other team members on the side, accidentally noticed this and couldn't hold back his laughter: "What are you doing, you insist on acting."

"Acting? Xiao Jiayan is very special." Si Zhou said Bai Jiayan pinched his waist lightly, "right?"

Si Zhou seemed to have something on his mind, but Bai Jiayan didn't reply. The next game started soon, and Bai Jiayan's face became redder and redder. He didn't know whether it was because Sizhou had just acted like this in public, or because he was shouting "come on" with all his strength. He immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and silently recited the lock screen signature three times that read "Don't be stunned by a straight male senior brother".

Bai Jiayan felt that this was not going to work, so he clicked on the T-community, a forum where he usually logged in, and entered "recovering memory for people with amnesia" in the search bar. Sure enough, he found many related posts.

He clicked on the first one.

[Owner: What should I do? My son accidentally hit his head while playing outside. After waking up from the hospital, he lost his memory. Now he says he doesn't know me, calls me aunt, and calls the neighbor's beautiful sister mom. How can I help him? Restore memory? ]

[1L: Why are these things happening in T community? Ask the doctor]

[2L: Be careful, poster, your son may be pretending on purpose, just to seduce a beautiful sister]

[3L: Your son may be possessed by evil spirits, I know him The house next door was plagued by strange noises late at night, family amnesia, and always being plagued by bad luck. Later, I asked a master to perform rituals to completely resolve the problem. If you need help, please contact me at +v66666]

[4L: Don't make it too obvious when you burp upstairs. I suggest you help me first. I will eliminate disasters for free and see if it works]

[5L: Show your son more old photos, talk about things from the past, meet more people you knew in the past, it should help]

Bai Jiayan saw this reply, I remembered that the doctor also said this, and I thought it was reliable, so I took note of it. He continued to scroll down, trying to find more suggestions in this area, but found that they were either full of weird power or ridicule, and there was no useful information.

The basketball game ended with the absolute victory of the School of Mathematics and Physics. As the biggest contributor, Sizhou was surrounded by a group of teammates and forced them to go to a restaurant in front of the school that had been particularly popular recently for a big meal. Sizhou pushed aside the group of people around him and walked in the direction of Bai Jiayan: "Let's go to dinner together?"

Bai Jiayan didn't know many of the people on the team, so it was somewhat awkward to blend in, so he randomly found an excuse to evade.

"I'll come find you when it's over." After Sizhou finished speaking, he returned to the other teammates, and his figure gradually disappeared from Bai Jiayan's sight.


It was indeed dinner time. Bai Jiayan went to the canteen and ordered beef brisket noodles. After filling his stomach, he hurried home and dug out an old photo album under the bed in his room, which contained photos of him and Si Zhou from childhood to adulthood. , there are group photos, and there are individual photos, and there are small comments next to each photo. When he was a child, his handwriting seemed immature, but as he grew older, Bai Jiayan's handwriting became more regular.

He simply turned through a few pages and was about to take the things back to school when Si Zhou sent him a message at this time: [Have you eaten? where are you now? 】

Bai Jiayan: 【Are you finished? I'm full. I'm at home now. I don't have classes in the evening.]

Sizhou: [Not yet. I don't have classes in the evening either. I'll come directly to your house in a while. 】

Bai Jiayan replied, "Hello". Now that he picked up his phone, he simply read through the notification group and various class group messages, and completed a few online class tasks by the way. When he was almost done with his work, the bedroom door was opened from the outside. Sizhou changed into his daily clothes and sat on the bed next to Bai Jiayan very consciously: "Xiao Jiayan, what are you doing?"

"By the way," Bai Jiayan put down the phone and turned to Picking up the photo album with traces of time, "I want you to take a look at this, maybe you can think of something."

Bai Jiayan slowly opened the photo album. The first page showed him and Si Zhou going to kindergarten together. A photo taken at the door. When the two little guys got together, Bai Jiayan seemed a little shy, but Sizhou greeted the camera enthusiastically. At that time, he had not learned to write a few words, so he wrote 5 years old next to the two children one stroke at a time.

"This was when you and I first entered kindergarten. In fact, I was very scared, but seeing that you got along so easily with other children, I wasn't so scared anymore." Bai Jiayan said, with a smile on his face unconsciously, "You You also took me to play with other children. During class, I secretly told you that I wanted to go home, and I almost cried. It was you who comforted me, saying that you would make me happy in the kindergarten."

Bai Jiayan After a pause: "Do you have any impression?"

"No impression." Sizhou's tone was cold, but his face looked soft, and his fingertips lightly touched the old photo. Bai Jiayan observed Sizhou's movements: "Really not?"

"Well, no." Sizhou withdrew his hand.

Bai Jiayan didn't think much, and continued to flip through the album, pointing at the photos and telling Si Zhou about the two people in the past. He had just finished speaking when he saw that Sizhou's attention seemed to be on a photo in the corner: "Where's this one?"

The owner of the photo album moved his eyes and realized that the photo Sizhou was looking at was when he was seven years old. In a solo photo, he wears a bunny ears headdress and poses shyly in front of the camera like a small animal.

...How could he have such a shameful photo and not have any impression of it?

"I...can't remember." Bai Jiayan recalled seriously for a moment and found that his mind was indeed empty.

"That's a pity." Sizhou smiled brightly and turned his head to focus on Bai Jiayan's profile. "But if Xiao Jiayan can take this photo again, maybe both of us can remember it."

Bai Jiayan closed the photo album: " just want to tease me."

"I don't, Xiao Jiayan, I'm serious." Sizhou put on a serious expression, "In case you forget something important. What?"

Bai Jiayan was startled, and was more or less persuaded by Si Zhou, but it was really embarrassing for a boy of his age to pose in such a pose for a photo. He stared at the photo for a while and said, "Actually, it's not necessary to recreate the scene..."

"Yes, this is the best way, isn't it?" Sizhou quietly held Bai Jiayan's finger, as if he wanted to take advantage of it. This action stopped Bai Jiayan's possible argument, "Hold him for a while, I'm tired."

Bai Jiayan found it hard to continue and watched as Sizhou gently rested his head on his shoulder.


Si Zhou was definitely not joking. Bai Jiayan had just finished class and accompanied him to the courier station to pick up a package. Sizhou opened it with a knife on the spot. Inside the package was a rabbit ear headdress that was exactly the same as the photo in the album.

There were many people unpacking express packages nearby. Bai Jiayan subconsciously put the things into his bag, which made Sizhou couldn't help but smile: "Why are you so thin-skinned?"

"I...I'm worried that you won't be thick-skinned." Bai Jiayan explained hurriedly.

"It's so cute."

The props had been obtained, and Sizhou was busy implementing the next plan. He borrowed a digital camera from somewhere, and Bai Jiayan only thought it was exaggerated.

In the afternoon, Uncle Zhang's car stopped at the school gate. Sizhou took Bai Jiayan into the back seat and arrived at the destination in more than 20 minutes. Bai Jiayan was held by Si Zhou's hand, followed into the three-story villa, and finally turned into Si Zhou's bedroom.

"Come here." Sizhou sat on the thick blanket in the center of the room and spoke to the other person. Bai Jiayan remembered that when he was a child, he and Sizhou always played with building blocks here.

Bai Jiayan sat down on the blanket obediently and faced Sizhou face to face. Sizhou grabbed the schoolbag that Bai Jiayan had put aside, took out the rabbit ears headdress from it, and put it on Bai Jiayan's head directly.

"...Isn't it weird?" Bai Jiayan raised his hand to touch it. The fur felt very comfortable, but he couldn't imagine what he looked like now. As if he had read his mind, Sizhou specially found a mirror and held it up in front of Bai Jiayan: "No, it's very cute."

However, Bai Jiayan took one look at the mirror and didn't want to look at it anymore, so he turned around. Go and hide your face: "You lied to me."

"Little Jiayan is cute no matter what." Sizhou said, gently turning Bai Jiayan's body upright, picking up the digital camera hanging around his neck and shaking it , "It's time to pose."

Bai Jiayan recalled his posture in the photo album. He was sitting on his knees on the ground, with the five fingers of his two palms close to his head, pretending to be an innocent little rabbit. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in, but he still had to wait for Sizhou to hold up the digital camera, press the shutter button towards himself, and take pictures from several different angles, making him look like a model on display. .

"You've taken a lot of photos," Bai Jiayan could hardly hold on, "Did you remember anything?"

Sizhou put away the camera with satisfaction: "Yes, I remembered it."

"What was it?" Bai Jiayan quickly put away his posture, Get close to Si Zhou.

"I remembered that you were originally a little rabbit, otherwise why would I have always thought you were cute just now."

"..." Knowing that he was being teased again, Bai Jiayan returned to his previous position, "You think about it slowly, I'm going back first."

Si Zhou She reacted quickly, took Bai Jiayan's wrist and said, "Boyfriend, isn't it appropriate to leave after seducing me?"

"How could I..." Bai Jiayan felt that this seduction was inexplicable, and he Clearly nothing was done. Before he could find the words to explain a few more words, Sizhou quickly shortened the distance between him and said: "I really want to kiss you now, just for a moment."

"Wait a minute, this won't work..."

"You promised to be responsible for me ." Sizhou tightened his hold on the other person's hand, "Besides, I'm not kissing you."

"That's..." Bai Jiayan was confused, and then he saw Sizhou reaching out and gently pulling one of the rabbit ears on the headdress. He came down, raised his head and kissed it: "I just want to kiss your ear."

Bai Jiayan was speechless. It was clear that there was no skin contact between them at this moment, but he felt like a real kiss. of ambiguity. Before he could get out of this state, there was a sudden knock on the door.


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