Santa's friend!

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Frank Iero had a thing for being a daddy, but not the run-of-the-mill kind. No, he craved the lifestyle of a sugar daddy, showering his partner with gifts and affection. Yet, his rockstar status wasn't exactly bringing in the sugar. So, there he was, sweating under a cheap Santa suit in the local mall, trying to scrape together some extra cash.

Kids lined up in front of him, their faces filled with wonder and excitement. Frank plastered on a fake smile, doing his best to embody the jolly old man in red.

"Hey there, little one," Frank boomed, his voice muffled by the scratchy beard. "What's on your Christmas list this year?"

The kid rattled off a list of toys and gadgets, their enthusiasm infectious. Frank nodded along, jotting down notes on a pad of paper. But beneath the facade, he couldn't shake the feeling of dissatisfaction. This wasn't where he belonged, playing Santa for a few measly bucks.

As Frank sat there, trying to maintain his Santa persona, a kid named Brendon approached with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Hey there, Santa!" Brendon exclaimed. "I want a big, shiny sports car for Christmas!"

Frank chuckled, trying to hide his amusement. "A sports car, huh? That's quite the request! Have you been a good boy this year, Brendon?"

Brendon nodded vigorously. "Oh yes, Santa, I've been really, really good! I cleaned my room and helped my mom with the dishes!"

Frank scribbled down Brendon's wish on his notepad. "Well, it sounds like you deserve something special. I'll see what I can do, alright?"

Brendon's face lit up with delight. "Thank you, Santa! You're the best!"

As Brendon skipped away, Frank couldn't help but smile. Despite the absurdity of the situation, there was something heartwarming about making these kids' dreams come true, even if only for a moment.

Frank adjusted his Santa hat and prepared to face the next eager child in line. Today might be about spreading holiday cheer, but tomorrow would be about chasing his own happiness.

As Frank glanced around the bustling mall, his stomach grumbled loudly, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since breakfast. He caught sight of a cozy cafe nearby and the delicious scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, tempting him.

"Hey, Santa!" called out the mall manager. "Where do you think you're going?"

Frank hesitated, torn between his rumbling stomach and his commitment to the Santa gig. "I was just thinking of grabbing a quick bite to eat. I'll be back before you know it."

The manager shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "Sorry, Santa, but you can't leave until your time slot is up. We've got a schedule to keep."

Frank's stomach grumbled again, louder this time. He sighed, resigning himself to another hour of playing Santa.

"Alright, I understand," Frank said with a forced smile. "Guess I'll just have to wait until my shift is over."

The manager nodded in satisfaction before bustling off to attend to other matters. Frank slumped back in his chair, his hunger forgotten as he resumed his role as Santa Claus.

As Frank scanned the bustling mall, lost in thought, he was suddenly jolted from his reverie as a pair of chubby thighs plopped down on his lap. Startled, he looked up to find a boy with baby blue crop top and short pink skirt with thigh high stockings, grinning mischievously at him. "Hey there, Santa!" Gerard chirped. "I've been waiting all year to tell you what I want for Christmas!"

Frank blinked in surprise at the unexpected arrival of Gerard, but he quickly recovered, flashing a warm smile. "Well, hello there, little one!

"Say, what's your name, little one?" Frank asked, his curiosity piqued by Gerard's bubbly personality and childlike demeanor.

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