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*TW: Smut/ mention of suicide*

Gerard Way stood in front of his mirror wearing a short pink skirt and a crop top. He posed cutely, tilting his head and smiling. The mirror reflected his playful grin as he twirled around, the skirt flaring out slightly. He adjusted the hem of his top, making sure it sat just right.

"Do you like it, Daddy?" Gerard asked, looking over his shoulder with a hint of shyness and his eyes searched Frank's face for approval.

Frank sat on the bed and he nodded with a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You look adorable, sweetheart," he said. "Come here."

Gerard's face lit up and he skipped over to Frank, the skirt swishing around his legs. He climbed onto Frank's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Can we watch cartoons tonight?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"Of course," Frank replied, wrapping his arms around Gerard and pulling him close. He kissed the top of Gerard's head, feeling the soft strands of his hair. "But first, let's get you some dinner, okay? You need to eat something before we have fun."

"Okay, Daddy," Gerard said, nodding eagerly and he leaned in, resting his head on Frank's shoulder. Frank gently lifted Gerard off his lap and stood up, holding his hand. "What do you feel like having for dinner, princess?" he asked, leading Gerard towards the kitchen.

Gerard shrugged, looking thoughtful. "Can we have mac and cheese? And maybe some apple slices?" Frank chuckled. "Mac and cheese it is. And apple slices too. How about you help me make it?" Gerard's eyes sparkled. "Yes, please! I can stir the cheese."

"Perfect," Frank said, squeezing Gerard's hand and they moved into the kitchen, Gerard bouncing on his toes with each step.

Frank put on an apron, but he was shirtless underneath and Gerard thought his boyfriend looked so hot, his toned arms and chest exposed. He couldn't help but stare for a moment, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks. "Are you going to help, or just admire the view?" Frank teased, catching Gerard's eye.

Gerard giggled, moving to the counter. "I'll help, Daddy. You just look really handsome."

"Thanks, sweetheart," Frank replied, his smile widening. "Now, let's get started. You grab the cheese and I'll handle the pasta." Gerard nodded, opening the fridge to get the cheese and he handed it to Frank, then fetched a bowl and started slicing apples. "I like cooking with you, Daddy," he said, carefully cutting the fruit.

"I like it too, princess," Frank said as he poured the pasta into boiling water. "It's fun doing things together." Gerard finished slicing the apples and placed them on a plate. He stood on tiptoe to peek into the pot. "Is it ready yet?"

"Almost," Frank said, stirring the pasta. "Just a few more minutes. Why don't you start grating the cheese?" Gerard nodded, taking the grater and block of cheese. He worked diligently, glancing occasionally at Frank's muscled back as he moved around the kitchen.

Once the pasta was done, Frank drained it and added it to a large bowl. "Alright, now comes the fun part," he said, handing Gerard the bowl of grated cheese. "You can do the honors."

Gerard poured the cheese over the pasta, stirring it in with a wooden spoon and the cheese melted quickly, coating the noodles in a creamy sauce. "It smells so good," he said, his mouth watering and Frank leaned over and kissed Gerard's forehead. "You did great, sweetheart. Let's dish it up and eat."

They served themselves generous portions of mac and cheese and sat at the table, their legs brushing under the small surface. Gerard took a bite, savoring the cheesy goodness. "It's perfect, Daddy." Frank smiled, reaching over to squeeze Gerard's hand. "I'm glad you like it, princess. After we eat, it's cartoon time."

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