The Doll

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Sorry, not my proudest shot but yeah.

Gerard Way, an 18-year-old boy, reclined on an exquisitely adorned bed. Every inch of the room exuded opulence, from the gilded trimmings to the soft, plush fabrics that adorned the furniture. Beside him, a female maid moved, her hands moving deftly as she attended to Gerard's every need. She carefully selected lotions and powders from an array of ornate bottles, applying them to his skin with a gentle touch as if she were handling the most delicate of treasures.

As the maid worked, Gerard remained relaxed, allowing himself to be pampered like a cherished doll. He watched idly as she smoothed the powder over his skin, the scent of roses filling the air around him. It was a ritual he had grown accustomed to, one that brought him a sense of comfort.

Once his skin had been perfected to the maid's satisfaction, she turned her attention to his attire. She selected a delicate pink dress from a nearby wardrobe, the fabric whispering softly as she unfurled it. Gerard made no protest as she slipped the dress over his head, the soft material draping elegantly over his chubby frame.

Completing the ensemble, the maid produced a pair of baby blue thigh-high stockings, their silky texture a perfect complement to the pastel hues of Gerard's outfit. She rolled them up his legs, ensuring they fit snugly against his skin without a single wrinkle.

With the finishing touches in place, the maid turned her attention to Gerard's hair, combing through the strands with a gentle touch. She styled it with meticulous care, weaving it into intricate braids and twists that framed his delicate features perfectly.

Gerard was not just a boy, but a living work of art.

As the maid added the final touches to his appearance, Gerard's thoughts turned to his daddy. With a soft smile, he thanked her for her diligent care and asked if Mr. Iero would be returning home soon.

The maid paused for a moment before responding. "I believe Mr. Iero will be arriving shortly, young master," she replied. "He has some important matters to attend to, but he assured me he would be home in time for dinner."

As the maid bid him farewell and left the room, Gerard made his way to the ornate window. With a gentle push, he opened the window, allowing the crisp breeze to caress his skin and the soft chirping of birds to serenade his ears.

Leaning against the windowsill, Gerard gazed out at the scene before him. The sky stretched out in a vast expanse of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily across the horizon.

Gerard's mind drifting back to the day he was kidnapped. He was only 17 at the time, a naive teenager unaware of the danger. It was Frank Iero who had snatched him away, turning his life upside down and molding him into a living doll to be his partner. The memories flooded back in vivid detail – the fear as he was forcefully taken from his home.

As Gerard recalled those harrowing moments, a shiver ran down his spine. He remembered the cold gaze of Frank as he asserted his dominance, the way he spoke with authority, and the chilling realization that he had no choice but to submit to Frank's will.

Although Gerard was forced into this life, Frank took care of him. Despite the circumstances of their relationship, Frank never allowed anything or anyone to hurt Gerard. Gerard was well-fed and provided for, his every need attended to by Frank's meticulous care. There were times when Gerard felt a strange sense of security in Frank's presence, even if it was born out of fear rather than genuine affection.

Frank's protective instincts extended to extreme measures. Gerard recalled the incident when a maid accidentally clawed his arm with her nail. In a fit of rage, Frank had swiftly taken action, shooting the maid without hesitation.

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