Hooked Up With A Daddy

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*TW: Smut*

Gerard Way struggled in front of the mirror, trying to pull the dress over his chubby frame. Each tug and pull seemed to make the fabric tighter, and tears of frustration began to well up in his eyes.

Today was supposed to be a perfect day; his brother Mikey's wedding and Gerard had been looking forward to it for months, but now the dress was making everything go wrong.

"Why won't it fit?" Gerard cried out, his voice breaking as he yanked at the stubborn material. The tears started to fall freely, running down his cheeks and dampening the neckline of the dress.

He felt a knot of anxiety growing in his stomach. This was Mikey's special day, and the last thing he wanted was to cause any trouble.

Outside the room, Mikey was pacing, checking his watch every few minutes. "Gerard, are you ready?" he called through the door, trying to keep his voice calm despite his own nerves. The wedding ceremony was about to start, and they were already running behind schedule.

"No! The dress... it won't fit!" Gerard's sobs grew louder and he didn't want to be the reason for any delays, especially today.

Mikey frowned and quickly stepped into the room, his concern for his brother overriding any irritation. He saw Gerard standing there, tears streaming down his face, struggling with the dress. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Let me help," Mikey said softly, walking over and gently taking the dress from Gerard's grasp.

Gerard looked up, his eyes red and puffy from crying. "But it's too tight... I can't get it on," he choked out.

Mikey crouched down to Gerard's level, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure this out. Just take a deep breath, okay? We're not in a rush," he said. He knew how important today was for both of them, and he wasn't about to let a wardrobe malfunction ruin it.

Gerard sniffled and nodded, trying to calm his breathing. "But what if we can't fix it in time? I don't want to ruin your wedding," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Mikey gave him a reassuring smile. "We'll find a way. Just hang in there, bro," he said, standing up and examining the dress. "Maybe we just need to adjust a few things. Let's see what we can do."

Mikey worked diligently, loosening a few seams and adjusting the fabric. "Alright, try it now," he said, handing the dress back to Gerard.

Gerard hesitated for a moment, then slowly slipped the dress over his head. This time, it slid on more smoothly. Mikey helped him pull it down and straighten it out, making sure everything was in place.

"How does it feel?" Mikey asked, stepping back to get a better look and Gerard turned to the mirror, his eyes widening in surprise.

The dress fit much better now, hugging his body snugly but comfortably and it showed off his curves, and despite his earlier worries, he actually liked how he looked. "It's... it's perfect," he said softly, a smile beginning to form on his face.

Mikey grinned, clearly relieved. "See? I told you we'd figure it out," he said, giving Gerard a pat on the back. "You look great, Gee. Really."

Gerard's smile grew wider. "Thanks, Mikey. I was so worried I'd ruin your day."

"You could never ruin my day," Mikey replied, shaking his head. "You're my brother, and having you here with me makes it perfect." He glanced at the clock. "Now, we should probably get going. They're waiting for us."

Gerard nodded and he took a deep breath, feeling more confident now that the dress fit. "Okay, I'm ready," he said, straightening his shoulders.

Mikey led the way out of the room, and Gerard followed. As they walked, Mikey glanced back at him, smiling. "You know, Gerard, I'm really glad you're here. This day wouldn't be the same without you." Gerard felt his heart swell with happiness.

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