Fem Gee Way

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Gee Way, a Little, was running down the streets, her heart pounding in her chest. She wore a short skirt and crop top, which offered little protection against the biting cold of the night air. Tears streamed down her face as she glanced over her shoulder, seeing her master not far behind her.

"Gee, stop!" her master shouted, his voice echoing through the empty streets. Panic surged through her, and she quickened her pace, her breath coming out in ragged gasps.

"I can't!" Gee cried, her voice breaking and she turned a sharp corner, nearly losing her balance but managing to stay on her feet. Her bare legs ached from the effort, but she couldn't stop now. The fear of being caught drove her forward, even as her strength began to wane.

Her master was relentless, his footsteps growing louder and closer with each passing second. "Gee, please, it's dangerous out here!" His voice held a note of worry, but Gee didn't care. She needed to get away, to find some semblance of freedom.

Stumbling, she pressed on, her vision blurred by tears. "I don't care! Just leave me alone!" she shouted back, her voice hoarse from crying. She could hear the strain in her master's breathing, but she didn't dare slow down.

Her mind raced as she searched for a place to hide, somewhere she could catch her breath and figure out her next move. But everywhere she looked, there were only closed doors and darkened windows.

"Gee, you don't understand!" her master called out, his tone pleading now. "You're not safe out here!"

Gee's heart ached at his words, but she couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop. Not until she was far away from him and the control he held over her. Her legs felt like lead, and her lungs burned, but she pushed herself to keep going.

Gee made a risky move by stopping at a house and knocking loudly on the door, her knuckles hitting the wood with desperate force. She could hear her master’s footsteps getting closer, and her panic intensified. She prayed someone would answer quickly.

Just as she was about to lose hope, the door swung open. Gee stumbled forward, falling into the chest of a man she didn’t know. She looked up to see a surprised face, dark hair, and piercing eyes.

"Whoa, hey," the man said, catching her. "What’s going on?"

Gee clung to him, her breath hitching. "Please, help me," she managed to say between sobs. "He’s coming after me."

Frank Iero looked past her, spotting her master approaching quickly and he pulled Gee inside, shutting the door firmly behind them. "It’s okay, you’re safe now," he said.

Gee could hear her master pounding on the door, shouting for her to come out. She trembled, her heart racing and Frank held her steady.

"Stay here," Frank instructed, moving towards the door and he opened it just a crack, enough to face the man outside. "Can I help you?" he asked.

Her master glared, trying to peer inside. "The girl. She belongs to me. Hand her over."

Frank’s expression hardened. "I don't think she wants to go with you," he replied. "And if she doesn't want to go, she's not going anywhere."

The master refused to leave, shouting threats at the door. Frank didn’t waste any time; he slammed the door shut and locked it. He lifted Gee into his arms effortlessly, carrying her up the stairs to his room.

“Hang on, you’re safe now,” he assured her and Gee clung to him, her tears slowly subsiding. Frank pushed open the door to his room with his shoulder and set her gently on the bed. “Stay here,” he instructed firmly. “I need to get some help.”

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