Chapter 5

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city, the cricket team arrived at their luxurious hotel, a welcome respite after a long journey. The lobby buzzed with excitement as teammates reunited, exchanging hearty handshakes and warm embraces. Shubman's gaze wandered across the familiar faces, landing on Anushka, Ritika, Athiya, Natasha, and Rivaba, whose smiles were as bright as the evening stars. The children, Samaira and Agastya, were the epitome of innocence and joy, their laughter echoing as they played, oblivious to the adults' conversations.

The hotel staff, with practiced efficiency, distributed the room keys. Rohit, the ever-charismatic captain, took charge, announcing the room arrangements with a playful authority that only he could muster. "Me, Ritika, and Sammy in one room," he declared, his voice carrying over the chatter. "Natasha, Hardik, and Agastya in another. Rahul and Athiya, Jaddu and Rivaba, Virat and Anushka, and lastly, Shub and Aditi together. The rest of you have your individual sanctuaries."

Aditi and Shubman exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of surprise and mild apprehension, a silent conversation passing between them. They made their way to their shared quarters, a space that would become a crucible for their budding relationship. Inside, Shubman unpacked with a nonchalance he didn't feel, his mind racing with the implications of this unexpected turn of events. "I'm going to freshen up," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "You can take your turn after me."

Aditi simply nodded, her own thoughts a whirlwind as Shubman disappeared into the bathroom. Meanwhile, in the room shared by Rohit, Ritika, and little Samaira, the couple engaged in a tender exchange, their words laced with concern and affection. "Did you see Shub and Aditi's shocked faces?" Rohit mused, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Ritika's response was gentle, her empathy shining through. "I saw it. They were taken aback because their marriage was such a whirlwind, right, Ro? Let's give them time; everything will find its way."

Their conversation was interrupted by the exuberant energy of Samaira, who, with the boundless enthusiasm of a child, demanded her father's attention. "Papa, lift me!" she squealed, and Rohit complied, his love for her evident in the effortless way he swept her into his arms. A knock at the door heralded the arrival of Hardik, Natasha, and Agastya, who brought with them a fresh wave of chatter and laughter.

The evening unfolded like a tapestry of camaraderie and shared experiences. The balcony of Virat's room became the stage for animated discussions, ranging from the intricacies of cricket to the latest cinematic releases. The air was thick with plans for Dharmshala, movie recommendations, and reminiscences of life during lockdown.

As boredom threatened to dampen the spirits, Ishan's voice cut through the lull. "Guys, it's so dull here," he complained, echoed by Anushka's agreement. The suggestion of a game of truth or dare sparked interest, and soon, the group was gathered in a circle, the rules laid out with a stern warning from Anushka against any unsavory questions.

The game began, the bottle spinning and pointing its accusatory finger at one player after another. Secrets were coaxed into the open, confessions made, and playful dares executed, each revelation drawing laughter or gasps from the group. Shubman's admission of a past love, Sara, hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the heart's capacity for change.

The night's revelry was cut short by the arrival of Rahul Dravid, his presence a sobering reminder of the responsibilities that awaited them. "You guys want to practice cricket tomorrow or keep playing truth or dare? The match is in 2 days and you need to practice. Go and sleep," he advised, his words carrying the weight of experience.

With a collective nod, the team dispersed, each member retreating to their room, the echoes of their laughter fading into the night.

In the quietude of their hotel room, Shubman found himself lost in the endless scroll of Instagram, a welcome distraction from the anticipation of the upcoming match. A post from Shahneel caught his eye, eliciting a soft chuckle from him. Without hesitation, he left a playful comment before dialing her number to catch up with family ties that always brought comfort.

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