Chapter 16

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In the cozy confines of their shared living space, Ishan's voice broke the silence with a hint of excitement, "Guys, how about we dive into the thrill of a horror movie tonight?" The proposal was met with an enthusiastic chorus of agreement, and soon, the group found themselves huddled in the living room, the lights dimmed to set the mood. Aditi, with a flutter in her heart, took a seat beside Shubman, whose warm smile welcomed her presence. As the opening credits rolled, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air, each one of them surrendering to the cinematic world of suspense and shadows.

The eerie soundtrack and haunting visuals soon took their toll on Aditi. A sudden chill ran down her spine, and instinctively, she sought refuge in Shubman's comforting embrace, her hands clasping his in a silent plea for protection. From the corner of the room, Anushka witnessed this tender exchange. With a knowing smile, she discreetly captured the moment in a photograph and shared it with the world on her Instagram, immortalizing their closeness.

 With a knowing smile, she discreetly captured the moment in a photograph and shared it with the world on her Instagram, immortalizing their closeness

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Why are these to so cute? Even though they have terrified expressions they look so cute

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Why are these to so cute? Even though they have terrified expressions they look so cute.🧿🧿@shubmangill and @officialaditisharma

We indeed look cute right @officialaditisharma?
                       ↪officialaditisharma: Yes of course
athiyashetty: Even I have someone who has a bowl of popcorn in his hands.
                        ↪klrahul: ☹️☹️
↪athiyashetty: 😤😤
yuzi_chahal23: 🐕🐕
                           ↪shubmangill: 😕😕
                                                             ↪yuzi_chahal23: Puppies are cute right?
                                                                                     ↪rohitsharma45: 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
yashasvijaiswal28: Looking so cute bhai
                                  ↪shubmangill: Thanks yash.
yuzi_chahal23: Why the blanket?💀💀
                              ↪officialaditisharma: Bhai, the temperature here is -2.
                                                                          ↪yuzi_chahal23: Okay okay.
shreyasiyer96: Single people getting jealous right @ishankishan23?
                             ↪ishankishan23: 🙄🙄
shreyasiyer96: What do you mean by this '🙄🙄'
                             ↪ishankishan23: I will tell you when the right time comes.
shubi.forever: Guys you look so good.
shreyasiyer96: Don't mind me asking the same thing, anyone wants to do the same pose with me?
                              ↪shrey96forever: Me.
                                                                   ↪shreyasiyer96fan: Mee too
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Sensing Aditi's trepidation, Shubman leaned in, his voice a gentle whisper, "Feeling scared?" Her response was a pout, adorable and childlike, as she nodded in affirmation. With a reassuring grin, Shubman offered a respite, "Let's escape to the balcony for a bit, shall we? I'll join you shortly."

With a grateful nod, Aditi made her way to the balcony, seeking solace in the quiet of the night sky. Shubman followed after a brief pause, ensuring their friends remained engrossed in the film. Ishan, ever the protective friend, attempted to trail after them, but Ritika's gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Ishan, let them have this moment," she urged softly.

Ishan acquiesced, settling down beside Shreyas as the movie continued to unfold its terrors on screen.

Upon reaching the balcony, Shubman's brow furrowed in confusion; Aditi was nowhere to be seen. He lingered, assuming she had taken a detour to the restroom. The night air was brisk, and he rubbed his arms for warmth, his breath visible in the cold.

Then, like a comforting shroud, a blanket enveloped him, and the delicate touch of small hands encircled his waist. It was Aditi, her presence a balm to the evening chill. "Aren't you cold?" he inquired, concern lacing his words.

With a playful defiance, Aditi shrugged off the blanket, wrapped her arms around Shubman, and then draped the blanket over them both. A smile played on Shubman's lips. Curiosity sparked in Aditi's eyes as she asked, "Has Sara ever shared moments like this with you?"

Shubman's reply was tinged with nostalgia, "No, we never ventured on trips together." Aditi's smile widened, and they settled onto the couch, her head resting against his chest, finding comfort in his heartbeat.

As they sat entwined, Shubman's lips brushed against Aditi's hair in a tender kiss. Her voice, soft and weary, broke the silence, "Shub, I have a recording session here tomorrow." Shubman's response was immediate, "Alright, and afterwards, how about we all go out for dinner?"

Aditi's agreement was accompanied by a heartfelt confession, "I'm so glad my brother chose you." Shubman echoed her sentiment, "Me too." Overcome by the day's emotions, Aditi allowed her eyes to close, and sleep claimed her. Shubman watched over her, a smile touching his lips at the sight of her cute pout and the gentle sound of her snores.

With a tenderness reserved for moments like these, Shubman lifted Aditi in his arms and carried her inside, placing her gently on the bed where she instinctively curled into his pillow. As he opened his laptop to attend to pending emails regarding an upcoming ad shoot, his phone rang.

It was Shahneel, her voice bubbling with excitement, "Shub, did you remember? Tomorrow's Valentine's Day! Do you have any surprises planned for Bhabhi?" Shubman's admission was sheepish, "I had completely forgotten. But now that you mention it, I'll think of something special."

Shahneel's suggestion was bold, "Why not take this chance to confess your feelings?" Shubman's hesitation was palpable, "Confess? Really?" But Shahneel was insistent, "Absolutely, you can do it!"

Emboldened by her encouragement, Shubman agreed, "Alright, I'll come up with a plan." With newfound resolve, he knocked on Virat's door. The concern in Virat's voice was evident, "Is everything alright?"

Shubman's request was a mix of nerves and hope, "Bhai, I want to confess to Aditi tomorrow. Could you help me with some ideas?" Virat's response was supportive, "Confess in the garden after her recording. We'll handle the decorations."

Gratitude filled Shubman as he returned to his room, changed into his pyjamas, and lay down beside Aditi. As she snuggled closer, he kissed her hair once more and drifted off to sleep, dreams of tomorrow's confession dancing in his mind.

 As she snuggled closer, he kissed her hair once more and drifted off to sleep, dreams of tomorrow's confession dancing in his mind

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