Chapter 26

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Aditi's dawn had been marred by a persistent unease, an unsettling sensation that had wrapped itself around her since the first light. She found herself in a frantic dash to the bathroom, her insides roiling with a ferocity that left her breathless. After the ordeal, she stood at the sink, gargling water in an attempt to banish the acrid taste of bile that clung stubbornly to her palate. With a heavy heart, she retreated to the comforting embrace of her bed, her sanctuary amidst the chaos. Her mind was besieged by a tempest of thoughts, each vying for attention, but one thought, in particular, stood out with unyielding persistence—the stark realization that her menstrual cycle had not commenced as expected. Her fingers, trembling with trepidation, reached for the drawer of her nightstand, pulling it open to reveal the meticulously kept chart that monitored her cycle. The series of red marks that denoted her monthly rhythm had come to an abrupt halt two weeks ago.

The gravity of the situation sent her pulse racing as she made her way to Shahneel's door, her knuckles barely grazing the wood in a soft, hesitant knock. "Enter," came the warm, inviting response from within. Aditi stepped inside, her voice a mere murmur, laden with the weight of her news, "Di, I have something of great importance to share with you."

Shahneel's gaze locked with hers, a wordless exchange of empathy and understanding passing between them. "I believe... I may be with child," Aditi confided, her voice quivering with a tumult of emotions. "My cycle has been absent for two weeks, and I've been plagued by a sense of malaise these past few days."

Shahneel, ever the pillar of strength, stood up with a resolve that seemed to fill the room. "We shall seek confirmation with a pregnancy test," she proposed with unwavering support. Aditi, her emotions a blend of trepidation and faint hope, nodded in agreement. Side by side, they made their way to the pharmacy, each step heavy with the weight of their unvoiced thoughts. Aditi's hands shook as she reached for the pregnancy tests, her mind awash with a myriad of futures that could unfold from this moment.

Once ensconced in the privacy of Shahneel's chamber, time appeared to halt its relentless march, leaving Aditi suspended in a bubble of anticipation. The three minutes they awaited the test's verdict stretched into what felt like an endless chasm of time until, at last, two definitive lines emerged. A burst of elation erupted from Aditi, "Di, it's positive! I am expecting!"

The sisters came together in a tight embrace, their joyous exclamations and animated discussions filling the room with an infectious energy. "We shall craft a delightful surprise for Shubi upon his return," Shahneel declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she envisioned the moment of revelation.

Aditi's heart brimmed with an overwhelming sense of love and eager anticipation as she set to work, transforming the garden into a vibrant tableau of celebration. The evening air was perfumed with the fragrance of blossoming flora, each petal whispering promises of a fresh start.

She wore a bright red dress with a textured pattern. The dress featured long sleeves and was designed with a cinched waist, accentuated by a matching belt. The hem of the dress was stylishly cut to fall above the knees, giving it a chic and modern silhouette.

Complementing the dress, she had chosen strappy, open-toed beige heels that added an elegant touch to the overall look. She wore dangling rose gold jewellery. The sacred mangalsutra she wore caught the dying light of day, a testament to the profound connection she shared with her beloved Shubman.

 The sacred mangalsutra she wore caught the dying light of day, a testament to the profound connection she shared with her beloved Shubman

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In the warm glow of the evening, Shahneel's voice carried a note of admiration as she complimented Aditi, "You look absolutely stunning today, Adi." With a gentle smile, Aditi responded, "Thank you so much, di." Her hands moved with care as she put the finishing touches on the backyard, transforming it into a cozy haven for the evening's celebration.

As the clock struck 7:00 pm, Shubman returned, his energy still high from the day's practice. Shahneel greeted him with a playful command, "Kake, freshen up with a quick shower and join us in the backyard; we've arranged a special dinner under the stars."

Acknowledging with a tired but happy nod, Shubman retreated to his room, letting the water wash away the day's exertion. He emerged refreshed, donning simple black trackpants paired with a crisp white t-shirt, embodying casual elegance. In the backyard, Aditi's embrace was warm and welcoming, a silent exchange of love and support.

Shubman's lips brushed against her hair, a tender gesture as he inquired, "You've dressed up so beautifully today. Is there a special occasion?" Aditi's eyes sparkled with pride as she replied, "My husband has just won his first match as captain. It's a moment worth celebrating, don't you think?"

Laughter filled the air as they enjoyed their meal together. Once the plates were cleared, Aditi stood, her voice tinged with excitement, "Everyone, I have an announcement that will bring joy to all of us."

With a supportive glance from Shahneel, Aditi shared the heartwarming news, "Shub, our family might be welcoming a new little cricketer soon."

The revelation brought bright smiles to Keart and Lakwinder's faces, while Shubman's expression turned to one of puzzled curiosity, "A little cricketer?" Shahneel added another hint, "Imagine, a tiny player joining us in about 9 months."

Confusion gave way to dawning realization on Shubman's face, and with wide eyes, he turned to Aditi, "Are you... are you expecting?"

Her nod was all the confirmation he needed, and Shubman enveloped her in a hug that spoke volumes of his elation. Keart's voice was full of happiness, "I'm overjoyed for both of you." Aditi's smile was radiant, and even Lakwinder chimed in with a playful hope, "Let's hope the baby doesn't take after Shub too much."

Shahneel agreed, "Exactly, papa." Shubman, feigning indignation, retorted, "Hey now, what's this talk? It's my child; of course, they'll take after me."

Keart teased, "The baby hasn't even arrived, and Shubman's already showing his protective side." Aditi's laughter was soft, "I have no doubt he'll be an incredible father."

Shahneel playfully theorized, "If it's a girl, he'll shower her with gifts and surprises. If it's a boy, he might just find himself a new partner in mischief."

Shubman's mock protest was lighthearted, "You sound like you've got it all figured out. Even mum and dad didn't say that. What's the secret, madam?"

Shahneel's reply was cheeky, "No secrets here, sir. I'm just focused on my studies, unlike some people." The conversation took a humorous turn as Aditi accidentally choked on her water, and Shubman, ever the caring husband, gently patted her back, casting a playful glare at Shahneel.

The banter continued for a while before they each retreated to the comfort of their rooms. Aditi slipped into her pyjamas, the fabric soft against her skin, and lay down, her thoughts filled with the day's joyous news. Shubman drew her close, his voice filled with emotion, "This is the best surprise I've ever received. A little cricketer, huh?"

Aditi's smile was tender, and she reassured him, "Our baby can be anything they want, even a cricketer. The world of sports is ever-evolving, who knows what opportunities will await?"

Shubman's agreement was a silent nod, and as they shared a loving kiss, Aditi's question hung in the air, "Are you happy?" His response was simple, yet profound, "The happiest." In the quiet of the night, they snuggled close, the promise of their growing family a comforting presence as they drifted into dreams.

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