++Bloodmoon x reader (part 1) care?

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(this one pairs you and our bloody boys since they were the whole reason i even made this book)

{based off of the newer episodes of the monty and foxy show}

{underlined is bloody speaking aka the chaotic one and bold is harvest speaking aka the calmer one, i figured giving them names would make things easier yk}

you had come from a different dimension (without a creator) and couldn't go back due to some complications {wattpad logic idk} so you had stuck around to help sun, moon, and the rest. at first they didn't want a human around due to how fragile you are. unlike them you can't just be rebuilt if you were torn to shreds so you would be more of a liability. however you had befriended earth and had some useful tracking abilities so they decided to keep you around as long as you stayed out of their trouble.

you had always taken an interest in the little red creature known as bloodmoon. hearing the stories about him. maybe it was because there were two 'people' in one body, maybe it was the ability to kill so quickly, or maybe you just had weird interests, whichever it was you had always wanted to meet them so when you heard that they would be helping protect FC you just had to go visit. 

you weren't the closest to foxy you had to admit, but you were too curious to speak with bloodmoon. when you arrived foxy was fencing with FC when he saw you he waved before continuing {you texted him you were coming ofc}. "heyyy Y/N how have you been?" foxy asked as he got hit in the chest by FC."ive been fine how about you?" you ask walking over to the two. "just watching the kid you know how it is.." he trails off at the end, of course you already knew the situation with FC and the stitch wraith so you didn't need him to elaborate. "hm" was all you said as you watched the two spar. 

it had been about 10 minutes of comfortable small talk between the three of you (FC piping up every once in a while) before it started to rain. this was your chance to go talk to bloodmoon since he had stayed inside. "hey since it's starting to rain and i don't particularly want to get drenched, would it be alright if i stayed inside until the rain clears?" you ask politely. "oh sure just don't mess up the place heh" foxy chuckled. you eagerly headed inside and sure enough, sitting in a corner talking to each other, was bloodmoon. 

quietly, you creep up to them, trying to listen to what they were saying. most of the words were incomprehensible but what you could make out was "treating us like a dog- cat. we should rip and tear them to shreds!". "we can't...not right now.." "whyyy-" "you know why". just then they saw your reflection in the window they were looking out of and the quickly turned around.

"who are you? you don't look like one of the others...no...your human" "oh uh...hello i'm Y/N..i help sun, moon, lunar, earth, all of them out with stuff- pleasure to meet you" they stare at you for a minute completely silent. they seem to be talking in their head but then foxy and FC walk in soaked. 

"jeez it really is pouring out there...you sure you're gonna be able to get home tonight Y/N?" foxy asks worried. looking outside you can see what he means. the rain is getting louder and louder, the wind is blowing heavily, theres lighting in the distance and, the thunder rumbling lowly at first before being loud enough to shake the house...it really was storming out there."i uh...didn't expect the storm to get this bad...". "well you could stay here for the night..i know the place is a bit small but i would rather you do that then have to try and go home through this.." foxy replies pacing the house. "if i'm not intruding...but where am i gonna sleep?" what foxy said was right..this place is quite small. "i was just wondering that...i sleep with FC but the only other place is the couch...hm..bloodmoon your sleeping on the floor or in a chair while Y/N is here" foxy says loud enough for bloodmoon to hear over his own thoughts. they turn around and quickly argue "why should we sleep on the floor when she/he/they is only going to be here for one night?!" "because bloodmoon its my house my rules, you're sleeping on the damn floor". after a few minutes of arguing the bloodmoon twins finally agreed (although they weren't happy about it).


{Your POV}

it was now around 11pm. foxy and FC had gone to sleep already and i was laying on the couch trying to sleep when i heard the sound of the front door opening and closing. i slowly get up and look outside to see two things. one: the storm had cleared up and it was only sprinkling, and two: bloodmoon was sitting in the sand by the ocean alone. i decide to go outside to try and make sure they were okay. as i walk up they turn and look at me before looking back at the sea. 

"what do you want?" bloody sighs while glancing at me. "sorry to intrude i just wanted to make sure you guys were okay since you just kinda..got up and left yknow?" they didnt reply for a moment but then they turned to face me fully and they had a confused look on their face. "why?" "why what?" i ask them also getting confused now. "why did you come to check on us?" "oh! because i was worried about you i guess?""worried?..." "yeah because i..care?". "you...care..about us? why would you?" harvest finally spoke up "because bloodmoon your a sentiant being who deserves to be cared for.." they had a weird look on their face "we've never been cared for before...we have only been a pawn for ruin and the stitch wraith and now foxy and the gator.." 

"we need time to think..." "oh uh yeah sorry for intruding ill be inside" i quickly head inside and try and sleep, i swear i had seen their face go slightly pink but maybe it was just the lighting. Finally I drifted off to sleep....

{ CLIFFHANGER! sorry lol this will be continued in another part since this one is getting rlly long (1086 words) dw i wont leave it on a cliffhanger and then never continue the book like ive seen too many other people do. sorry if its bad or the writing is weird in some places this is my first ever time writing fanfiction and i did this at 6-7am when i hadn't slept all night lol so the ideas might be a bit weird.}

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