==blood moon x reader ours (part 4) read announcement at bottom

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when i wake up im back in the room i started in my hands were tied again and i was laying on the bed wrapped up in a heated blanket. the robot i now know as bloodmon is sitting at the other side of the room arguing to itself.  "she almost died!" "she didnt though" "i told you we should have done it for that long" "how else would she have learned?" i shift slightly and it looks at me. "your awake" "we're glad...we worried you died" "are you..hungry?" i nod and it rushes to go get me some sort of food. so they do care. maybe i can turn this into my favor and get out of here. i just have to fake cooperate for now.

after about 10 minutes they come back in with some (your choice) "here. we know you like this" i take it and eat it quickly while they stand there watching? creepy. after i finish eating they take the plate/bowl and come back a few minutes later. they sigh and sit on the bed. "bloodbite....we're sorry.. we shouldnt have left you there for 2 days.." 2 days?! i thought it was only a few hours but i guess it was longer. i dont say anything. forgiving them this early would be too kind and they might catch on to how easily i would be warming up to them.

after a while of silence they took the hint and sighed "we understand that you wont forgive us so soon...we hope you will in the future..." they left the room. I almost felt bad but then I remembered that they kidnapped me and did all of that. I didn't really have anything to do so I started counting the dots on the blanket I was laying on (the pattern is dotted). then I hear the door open again and blood moon walk in before unlocking the chains. "we think you could use some fresh air...don't scream and don't try to run or else." one threatened I got tired of not being able to tell the difference between them 

"hey there's two of you right? which ones which? y'all got names?" they sat back surprised at first before thinking. "we just call each other brother" "but if you want you can give us names bloodbite" hmm...what's a good name for them I wonder to myself "how about the calmer one that keeps talking to me more is harvest and the other is bloody?" "we like that" they finally got my chains off and helped me stand up before leading me outside. 

the house was big and seemed abandoned. they led me to a hill nearby where there were tons of daisies, dandelions, and even some marigolds off towards a more wooded area, it was beautiful to say the least.  "we hope you like this area" "I do..its...really pretty" they smile at me. it wasn't the weird manic smile from before but a more genuine sweet smile. we sat there for a good 20 minutes before they took me back inside and started to make me lunch of some sort. they let me be unchained in my room but locked the door plus they let me have some books and a sketchpad with pencils and other art supplies that they "acquired". 

if I'm being honest this wasn't that bad. I mean sure the first bit was bad but then again I did disobey the rule they set in place....nono what are you thinking Y/N?! bloodmoon kidnapped you and took you away from your family and friends...away from the stresses too...and responsibilities....I sigh. this was too much to think about this is the second day after all. Stockholm syndrome is a thing so I need to think logically. for now though I think I'll just continue what I'm doing..I'm too tired to think right now.

{okay sorry this took so damn long I've had a lot going on with me and my family. also sorry this didn't really have a lot going on didn't really have a way to continue it after last chapter. anyway its here and I've got a little bit of an idea for next chapter but the "announcement" is that I might put this in a book itself. this has become bigger than just a "one shot" and it actually becoming a story that you guys really seem to like. this will also give me room to write chapters for the other characters so this isn't just a blood moon one shot book. this has been an idea for a while now so it'll probably happen and if it does it will be soon. until then I'm also going to be posting some headcannons about the other characters until I get some requests since I have no ideas whatsoever. until then buh bye}

[not proofread I might go back later]

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