bloodmoon (headcannons)

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{more headcannons bc ive been rlly tired and busy}



*i feel like they would be a tsundere about cuddles and affection. they would be embarrased to ask for even a hug so you learn to pick up on small cues. when harvest wants something he tends to be quieter and stares at you a bit when bloody wants something he seems to stick closer to you. just follow you around and be as close as possible

*i feel like they are insomniacs. if you're up so are they. when you guys sleep in the same bed though you will wake up wrapped in their arms as they snore quietly. 

*if you are okay with it they will take small bits of blood from you. they stole the kits necessary to take blood and you will fill them up and put them in the fridge for later (if your comfortable with that, if not disregard this one)

* they secretly like plushies. when your not around they use a plushie and pretend you're there.

~~spicy (actually this time for the gremlins {i understand})

*consent is sexy. there is a tapping system between you as nonverbal consent. one tap is no, two is continue, and multiple is stop stop stop. no matter what before they do anything (including anything below this one) they wait for the taps, you do too ofc

*sometimes (especially when they are tired) they give up the whole tsundere thing and just pin you down and give kisses. also i feel like they bite a little with the sharp teeth 

*french kissing is always a yes during these scenarios. 

*harvest is a dominant kinda guy, bloody on the other hand...kinda a switch. both are mostly dominant and a "top" but i think every once in a while...

*they're a blood kinda guy-   ass all day long. they dont really care that much though but if they absolutely had to pick it would be ass

{srry again for it being short and not posting ive been rlly busy and stuff.}

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