++killcode x reader -just a little longer-

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this one is for the lovely reader restless12  

(y'all are dating in this also sorry if this isn't the best I didn't know how to write this character as well as I hoped)

today had been a very long day for killcode. he had been screamed at more times than he could count by some new manager and had been insulted and berated for being an animatronic. when he got to the cozy little place he called home you were sitting doodling by the fire.  "hello Y/N" "oh hey hon whats up? you seem...upset." (hon cause if your dating him I don't think you would call him killcode all the time)

"I'm just tired.." you sigh he usually enjoyed his job so this was a first. "do you want to go to sleep?" he simply nodded and you followed him to bed. you quickly curled up beside him and wrapped your arms around him. sure, you were significantly smaller than him and it was a little awkward, but he just melted into your touch. he loosely wrapped his arms around you as well and buried his face into your neck after readjusting himself. after maybe a minute you could hear what sounded like faint snoring. 


when you wake up killcode is still sleeping. you quietly move out of his grip and go to stand up but feel a gentle grip on your wrist. "don't go...just yet..." the morning voice on this guy is WILD but you chuckle and curl back into bed with him making him fall right back asleep. you weren't too busy..you could stay here a little longer.

{sorry this is rlly short but if yall like this I'll write some more killcode in the future}

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