A/N (kinda important)

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hey author here. 
sorry ive not been writing at all i didnt die lol. ive been busy w a lot of stuff and i havent had the time or motivation to write. i still dont have like any story ideas although i might do some solar stuff if yall want that? idk. 

i have a few ideas but idk if yall want me to write them

solar x reader (no angst or nuthin but like a, your dating him kinda thing before he died)
bloodmoon x reader (before the other one died more than likely again just a dating oneshot)
jack o moon x reader (he feels a new feeling around you and maybe asks moon or puppet???)
solar headcannons (idk man)

those are the ideas for right now lmk if yall want them or any in specific faster than others. i dont know when ill write them but hopefully sometime soon might even start on one today if i can find the time

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