++blood moon x reader -tired-

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another request from restless12 hope you enjoy!

you and blood moon had been dating for a while. it was weird because the twins were bloodthirsty murders but you never really saw them for that, plus not only had they started to stop for you, but they were only killing animals and homeless people so I guess its helping the homeless population right? but today was a big day for them. what you considered their birthday so you were allowing them to kill an entire old folks home/ nursing home. 

they left in a very excited mood while you prepared a sort of dinner for them. while you had been dating them you found out many things about them most never cared to ask for example. most things taste like lead to them but out of the things that dont, red velvet cake and chocolate cake, red velvets better to them cause its red (obviously lol) they have a huge sweet tooth actually and so you got them as much red candy as you could. they didn't actually eat food just sweets so you made yourself some (f/f) and waited for them to return home. 

when they got home they were tired and covered in blood but they ate all of the sweets before laying on your lap on the couch. "we are tired" "full of blood and sweets" you hummed a slight tune to them and they fell asleep very quickly. they are insomniacs so this was unusual but they did say they were tired. you fell asleep soon after being too tired yourself to move the animatronic to their bedroom (separate bedrooms cause why tf not) 

[sorry this is also kinda short but sweet and to the point. I hope the blood moon simps enjoy this one]

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