==bloodmoon x reader ours (part 2)

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(this one pairs you and the bloodmoon twins)

{Fem reader srry}

{underlined is bloody speaking aka the chaotic one and bold is harvest speaking aka the calmer one, i figured giving them names would make things easier yk}


when i wake up im tied to a bed (kinky-) and in a dimly lit room. looking around i see im in a smallish bed in an almost empty bedroom. the door is to my left and theres a window to my right with burgundy curtains and slight sun peeking in. my head is throbbing and my fingers are tingly. next to me i see a small bell just in reach with a note that reads (in terrible handwriting) "ring the bell when you wake up".

i slowly reach out and ring the bell. why not? i mean what other choice do i have? sit here and wait until i starve? after a moment the door to my left creaks open and the red robot from the night before walks in closing the door behind itself. "we see you're awake.." "where am i? what are you?" "we are bloodmoon, and you are at your new home" i struggle against the binds holding me to the bed "dont struggle bloodbag" "it will get you nowhere" i stop reluctantly "why did you kidnap me?" "we kidnapped you because you are OURS....we were only taking what belonged to us" "i dont belong to you- or anyone for that matter." "ohohoh brother...our bloodbag is fiesty...we'll just have to show her that shes ours hm?" "yes brother i think we just might have to" the robot smiled that creepy ass smile again before walking out of the room.

i struggle a bit more and manage to get one of my hands out of the binds. i quickly get my other out and stand up. after almost falling face first i quietly examine the room for anything to help me out. the window has bulletproof glass for some reason and the only way out of the room is through the door the robots left from. i creep out of the room slowly and quietly close the door behind me, then i slowly walk down the hall listening for any sounds. i hear loud talking in a room down the hall that sounds like the robot so i go the opposite direction and find some stairs leading down. i try to be as quiet as possible until...CREAK

the second to last stair creaked loudly and i gasp. i hear the voices stop and a dark chuckling getting closer. i rush down the stairs and find a couch in the next room that i hide under. i hear the robot come down the stairs and chuckle darkly "little firefly.....hiding are we?" "we love hide and seek." i cover my mouth and try to calm my breathing. i hear it slowly walking around and flipping things over. 

after a while everything goes silent. i wait..
"found you~..."
i scream as my ankle gets grabbed and i get pulled out from under the couch. bloodmoon flips me over and smiles. "our little firefly wants to test our patience does she?" "shall we punish her brother?" "yes we shall.."

{cliffhanger but for a reason. the next thing i release will explain it :)))}

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