++jack o moon x reader feelings?

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{just taking a quick break from the bloodmoon story dw i have some stuff in store for it but this is a oneshots book for multiple characters soo here jack o moon}

you were walking through the pizzaplex looking for a very specific animatronic, one that was always impossible to find unless you yelled for him and he heard you. jack o moon, or jack for short. usually you could yell for him and he would show up fairly quickly but he was nowhere to be found today and it worried not only you, but everyone else too. nobody could find jack and it had been almost 24 hours.

"Y/N you should really head home...you can't charge like we can and im sure we'll find him eventually" earth said putting her hand on your shoulder "fine..but ill be back here early tomorrow so i can help find him." you reply knowing that you were barely keeping your eyes open at this point. "okay just dont stress yourself out about it, im sure he's just out doing something" earth reassures you before walking off back towards the daycare. you sigh hoping shes right and head home. 

once you pull into your driveway you notice something is off almost immediately. your lights are on...you always turn them off. you grab your stun gun from your car and slowly walk up to the door hoping you had just forgotten. your front door was unlocked..you know for sure you locked it. you quietly creep into the house hoping to grab your cat smokey, and then leave. then you hear...talking.."good cat...does the cat want a gram cracker?" the voice was very familiar and the way that gram cracker was said was weird (that makes no sense lol)....jack?

you turn the corner to find jack offering a gram cracker to smokey. "jack?" the animatronic turns to look at you upon hearing his name. "Y/N has returned" jack rushes over and starts scanning you before sitting down criss crossed on the floor. "uhh yeah...where have you been? everyone has been worried sick" "i was here all day watching over the cat." so thats why he didnt come to people calling his name. "why werent you at the pizzaplex?" "because i didnt want to be. moon said i have my own free will." "you do but...wait did you break into my house?" "the doors lock was easy to unlock with my knife hands" you sit silently for a second...you really need a new lock if its that easy to open with knives. 

"okay but why my house and not sun and moons?" "because i want to live here" that caught you off guard. "you want to..live here?" "i forgot to ask you if i could live here..with you" even though jack didnt seem to fully understand awkwardness or the seriousness of the question even he seemed a bit nervous about asking to live with you..."uh well i do have an open bedroom..but you have to charge at the pizzaplex when you can, no running up my goddamn power bill." "understood" "oh and i have a question" "what is it?"

something you had noticed for a while now was how nervous jack got around you. you thought maybe you made him uncomfortable so you tried to stay away but he only sought you out. you had wanted to ask him about it for a while. "jack whenever you're around me you get nervous and quiet but when i try to go away you seek me out and talk to me..why is that?" jack didnt speak for a bit "i do not know" "you dont know?" "i feel things around you but i do not understand it" you think about it for a moment. jack had made friends before so it couldnt be that "i asked puppet and they said i was 'in love' but i do not know what love is" this proved your theory correct. jack seemed to like you but he just..didnt understand it.

"i see....what do these feelings make you want to do?" he thinks for a moment "it makes me want to hold you for a long time." "i see....well im going to bed you can accompany me and do just that if you want?" jack perked up at this "yes, i will engage in the activity...cuddling." you chuckle, this was going to be a very weird but...welcome new roommate.


{hey thx for reading ik its not the best but i try ykyk. anyway like i said at the beginning i will be adding more to the bloodmoon story since i think yall have been likeing that but i do want to focus on other characters as well for those who dont like bloodmoon as much. i think thats all i have to say so cya in the next oneshot}

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