++bloodmoon x reader (part 2) care?

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   {srry ik this is gonna be OOC but then again any bloodmoon romance is cause they only like blood}

{underlined is bloody speaking aka the chaotic one and bold is harvest speaking aka the calmer one, i figured giving them names would make things easier yk}

{your POV}

the next day i woke up before around 12pm, pretty late but not the worst. i get up and figure ill go home and then eat something. i say my goodbyes to foxy and FC but i couldnt find bloodmoon anywhere so i just left without saying bye. when i got home i took a shower ate and did the usual, nothing big, i decided to go out for dinner today to a local resturant that had just opened up. i was putting on my hoodie to leave but as i did i got a call on my phone. it was from monty. i picked up "hello-" "bloodmoon is missing" the quick reply cutting me off caught me by surprise "bloodmoon went missing?" "yeah do you know where he went?" "no why would i know where he went?" monty sighed "i dont know i just...well if you see him or have any ideas let me know" "uhh okay i will bye monty" "bye Y/N" i hung up and grabbed my keys. as much as i wanted to help monty and the rest i felt kind of bad for how they were treating bloodmoon so i wouldnt mind or blame them if they somehow got away.


i had just gotten home after about 2 hours out, something felt off though. when i went into the living room some of the pillows on the couch were misplaced but maybe it was just in my head..i go to take a shower and when i go to my room to undress i notice something peeking out from under my bed...something red..i realize its a claw and i crouch to get a better look. there were spiral eyes staring back at me.

after the initial shock i realized who it was. "bloodmoon? what are you doing here- how did you even get here?" bloodmoon came out from under the bed. "we followed you home" "your very easy to follow- especially if you dont suspect anything" i sigh "thats not a good thing but why are you even here?" the twins stayed silent. "bloodmoon?" "we wanted to make sure you got home safe..its dangerous to be out alone at night..." i feel my face heat up slightly "but monty said you guys went missing earlier" bloodmoon went silent again more than likely talking to eachother in their head. 

"we...are interested in you.." "yes, we like the pretty one she/he/they is nice and doesnt seem to want to use us like the rest.." "you help make the bloodlust go away.." my face feels like its on fire from the compliments..did i always find their voice attractive? "why is your face getting red? we like red on you" "oh uh well i didnt expect the compliments is all..." 

the twins are quiet for a moment before harvest speaks "can we stay here..with you? we dont want to be some dog for everyone else" "how do you know im not like the rest? you dont know me that well.." bloody speaks up energetically "oh but we do, we've taken an interest in you for a while now-" they shut up and harvest speaks again "we have...an interest in you..you make the bloodlust go away..and your nice to everyone..you make us have a weird feeling and we dont ike it" "well..if you want...i wont tell monty your here..maybe we can figure out the weird feelings as well...deal? just dont kill people in my house..." "only if they are a threat to you...deal"


{sorry if it was short and or rushed im not that good at coming up with ideas on the spot ngl. i can make more oneshots for this storyline if people want that i already have an idea for a lime for this storyline that i might do. also sorry if the story is rlly cringe im used to writing horror lol. also i have a question. should i make Y/N talking in italic? mainly so it will be easier to read and to know when you're talking since there is a lot of dialogue.}

{we just gonna ignore the new episode cause it never happened in my AUs deal? deal. atleast w the bloodmoon stories cause i aint writing angst atleast not rn :)}

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