==bloodmoon x reader ours (part 3)

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{okay after a pretty longish break im finally doing this chapter. if you read my other book this is the sfw version of that chapter}

"our little firefly wants to test our patience does she?" "shall we punish her brother?" "yes we shall.."


they dragged me into a room i hadn't been in before and put me in some sort of dog cage and put 7 padlocks on. they then turned off the lights and closed the door leaving me in there. at first i thought it was fine but that was 30 minutes ago. it's so dark and cold in here..plus theres a smell of death..not the kind that smells like roadkill or something but almost as if something or things died in this room. my stomachs grumbles loudly as i sit in the corner of the cage shivering. if i had known it would be this bad i would have thought out a plan. ive heard about these kinds of things in movies but i never thought it would happen to me...but maybe just like in the movies if i cooperate maybe i can get a chance to escape. if thats true though, that plan isnt going well so far.

its been so long now ive lost count, i cant see anything in the room its so dark i dont even thinks theres windows in here..and the door must go all the way to the ground cause theres no light coming in from the hall its just black, the only way i can tell anything about my surroundings is by how cold it is and the smell that is making me sick now. i miss my family..why did this have to happen to me of all people? all because of that stupid new hire or whatever...ive honestly forgotten..how long have i been in here...it feels like a while...i hear my stomach grumble again. just great, im going to starve in this godforsaken dog cage and im never going to see my family again.

before i know it tears slowly start to stream down my face. i miss my family and friends...does anyone even know im gone? as these kinda of thoughts swarm my head i lay down in the rusty old cage and slowly start to fall asleep holding myself while crying. the biting cold way slowly getting warmer and warmer...these are usually signs of hypothermia but i dont even care anymore. my head is so foggy i wonder...will i ever get out of here?

(ive got a few things to explain here that i kinda realized while writing this ik it might be obvious but it confused tf out of me for a sec so ima kinda explain it. the next chapter that continues the story will be following this chapter not the one in the other book  so srry if that makes no sense in the writing.

 Second thing.  there are 359 reads on this book as of rn so thanks for reading my shitty fanfiction attempts and i hope to keep entertaining with my story ideas. 

third thing. i might be posting some chapters of canon moon (since he's my favorite no offense) that is not sams. just a few chapters or maybe just a short book so this will stay sams related idk just yet. but i have ideas in store im just rlly busy.

final thing sorry if this is short it sucks to write rn cause my finger is fucked up lol)

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