++Jack o moon x child reader PLATONIC -I'll protect you-

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this one is written for Shade_stalker_2   (your about 3-5 in this)


TW: attempted kidnapping, insinuated child trafficking, slight violence


I was going around the pizzaplex looking to see if anyone needed anything from me. I go and ask sun if he needs anything and he says to see lunar who also says he needs nothing from me. as I'm going to see dazzle to 'hangout'  hear a struggle in the next room. 

"come here you little brat your coming home with me!"

"no! mommy said she was picking me up"

I go invisible and run over to see a disheveled man dragging a little child to the front doors. I did not know what to do but I felt a weird feeling that I usually felt when I was attacking things but this was different..more...... 


I rush over to the man and grab his arm twisting it until it breaks with a loud *crunch* sound. the man screamed and then I became visible.


I was suppose to go home with mommy but daddy showed up and was telling me to come with him. I told him no but he grabbed me anyway. he was always scary and he would hit me often but I was more scared this time. he mentioned me getting him a lot of money, whatever that means. I try to scream for help but he covers my mouth. then I hear him scream and a loud snap.

I turn around to see a robot with a jack o lantern face holding daddy's arm up before letting go  and looking at me. before walking over and handing me some coins.

"go and get you a fizzyfaz while I deal with this man"

"what are you gonna do to daddy?"

Jack had rarely lied before. he was blunt and had no reason to, and even when he did "lie" it was obvious.this time though...

"I am escorting him out of the building and banning him for life"


the child skipped off to a soda machine while Jack took the man outside while he yelled obscenities at the animatronic. but Jack tuned him out. when they got to the back of the pizzaplex jack used his knife fingers to..."take care of" the man before going back inside and finding the child from before.


I got the fizzfaz like the robot said and then sat down on the platform with the big Freddy statue (shoot him in the- I'll shut up now) then I see the robot walking up to me.

"are you alright?"

"yes I'm fine..daddy is scary though..."

"you wont have to worry about him anymore"

"why not?"

"......because I'll protect you from him....and other bad guys. lets take you to the daycare while I call security to call your mother."


[hi again sorry for the long break I've been busy and will still be busy, also sorry if this was short or kind of dark I didn't have a lot of ideas for the prompt lol. if you want to request anything though just lmk, also I am still working on the yandere solar x reader one lol I've had to rewrite it 3 times so far and I'm thinking about doing a 4th since the idea I have going just isn't the best. but for now that's all farewell readers :)]

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