==bloodmoon x reader ours (part 1)

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(this one pairs you and the bloodmoon twins)

{Fem reader srry}

{underlined is bloody speaking aka the chaotic one and bold is harvest speaking aka the calmer one, i figured giving them names would make things easier yk}

it was a very cloudy night...cold,windy and still wet from the drizzle from earlier. it was the middle of fall and you were walking home from work since your car's headgaskets blew. you shivered as the cold breeze blew some dryer leaves off the ground ever so slightly. as pretty as the scenery was you felt like you were being watched. luckily you get to stop in a corner store since you need to pick up a few things for the house anyway so you can hopefully get away from the biting cold..and whatever was giving you that feeling..


"there is the pretty bloodbag do you see her?" "yes brother i see her" "we should say hi.." "not now brother we have to wait..we will get her soon, today is just scouting" ".........fine" we slink off into the shadows once more as much as i dont want to leave her, brother is right. we came here to watch and listen to the pretty bloodbag..not to steal just yet. but soon we will...very...very soon.


we watch as the pretty bloodbag lays down to go to sleep for the night..now is time for our plan. we quickly investigate the house to make sure there is a good hiding place to watch every room in the house, we choose the vents, then we crawl inside and go into low power mode. sure, we had 73% battery, but we cant charge here during the night..and what if someone broke into our bloodbag's home while we were gone? we couldnt have that.

after a bit of waiting we get bored and check out the rest of the house. looking through her things we found some (your interest) things laying around and the fridge was barely stocked. when searching her room (quietly of course) we find it is mostly clean. we start going through her drawers and find underwear, bras, socks, and other clothing as well as a few...questionable items..but we leave it all alone. why would we need to steal something we would have soon enough anyway?

the clock on her nightstand reads 5:50am we realize she gets up soon for work. we quietly creep back into the vents and wait once more.


i wake up and get ready for work as usual but this time i still feel like im being watched just like yesterday..its creepy. after drying my hair i rush out the door since ive got 30 minutes to be there on a 20 minute walk. once i finally get there i have to cover for some 35 year old new hire and talk to the morning shift. ive never liked the morning shift people, they were either total pricks or really creepy. one of them was eyeing me up for an hour straight the first time i covered on morning shift, which is why i work nights.

after 3 hours of practically babysitting i finally get to go on break. i doordashed some mcdonalds fries and nuggets (or whatever you want) and sat in silence watching funny tiktoks on my phone. i get a text from my friend who didnt have work today. 

"hey Y/N hows hell?"

"shitty as usual, i swear if i have another 60 something grandma try and tell me how to do my job im going to snap"

"jeez it must be rough then"

"the new hire was a no show and someone else puked everywhere so we are really understaffed right now"

"damn..i would come in to help but im babysitting today"

"literally same"


"hey i have a question?"


"do you ever feel like someone is watching you?"

"no??? why do you ask?"

"i dont know ive been feeling like someone or something has been watching me recently"

"do you need to call the cops?"

"no im sure its nothing"

"girl trust your gut maybe there is someone watching you"

"thats not helping"

"it is helping, the truth just isnt very reassuring. how about you send me a message every day when you leave for work, get there, leave for home, and get there and on your off days send me a message saying hi? so i know you aint kidnapped"

"yknow what sure why not?"

a pop up shows up on my screen jumpscaring me. it was my alarm since my break was up 

"hey srry breaks over ill text you when im omw home"

"alr good luck homegirl you got this"




as im walking home i have a really bad feeling again, but this time worse than before. i remember what my friend said and quickly pull out my phone getting ready to text when...

"there she is brother....lets get her" "yes...lets"

before i can turn around i get tackled to the ground and see a bright red robot on me smiling manically. its eyes were swirls and it had a dark blue grey cape. it smells like iron and....blood. i open my mouth to scream or say anything but then my vision goes black.

{cliffhanger again. this time for suspense ykyk. anyway i have some ideas for this little story so hopefully youll see more stories from me soon.}

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