Chapter 8

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Bondita looked at Anirudh who was looking down , it had been a few minutes that they are standing like this.
" I apologize for whatever happened " she said and he looked up at her and she was shocked to see the tears in his eyes.

Anirudh smiled at her " Please don't apologize , Infact I want to thankyou "

Bondita frowned at his words " You don't have to thank me , what I said was the truth , they all are wrong " and Anirudh chuckled wipping his unshed tears , she looked at him confused and at that moment she looked so cute to him .

" I know you always raise your voice against wrong and I can't express you how fantastically you do that but that's not why I want to thankyou but because you gave me what I longed for but never thought I will ever get " Anirudh said and seeing the confused expression on her face , he continued " Support and trust , I never thought someone will call me a blessing , Durga Maa's prashad or her man , her husband , that someone will vow to defend and protect me " he said smiling with a soft gaze at her .

Bondita blushed hearing those things , what must he be thinking? Infact everyone else too...have they all heard everything she said? but was also confused that why he thought he can't have that? Someone like him deserve all of those things .

" Do you want to know why she had left me that day on the mandap? " He asked and Bondita frowned , why does he want to talk about that? " You don't need to.." she said but he just smiled shaking his head " I want to and you need to know this , if you're going to marry me " and Bondita averted her gaze , not only it didn't seem necessary as she knows it wasn't his fault but also because there are many things he doesn't know about her .

Anirudh sighed remembering the words of Saudamini " Her name was Saudamini and she was my childhood friend..." he started and Bondita looked back at him "....after my mother's dead , I wasn't able to concentrate on my studies or move on , so baba decided to send me to London . When I was 18 we started writing letters to each other " he said looking away , the girl infront of him is his future wife and it's a disrespect to talk about some other girl infront of her but he wants Bondita to know about this " Those letter were normal and friendly but with time she started confessing her feelings and I accepted them , on the day I returned , our marriage was fixed and she was happy about it . She wanted me to propose to her and I did but the next day on the mandap , she didn't came . Kaka and Baba were mad , people were questioning her character while I was confused , It was quite shocking , that I couldn't grasp the sudden turn of events " he said sighing.

Bondita turned away to hide her tears , she knows how it must've felt , wasn't their situation same? Planning about future and marriage and then being left alone .

" When I got home , I found a letter in my room along with the ring I had given her , there she told me why she left "

Bondita smiled sadly , so in this also they had the same fate , Anirudh looked at her back , he thought she must've felt bad but he needed to say it , for her to know . He knows that Bondita isn't like Saudamini but he just wanted her to know , maybe because he didn't want her to get humiliated or shocked when someone again mentioned his past .

" She didn't like the way I wanted to live my life and it was alright , we had different goals and desires but there was one thing she had said , that there won't be any girl who will willingly marry me and that was the reason I had been rejecting all the proposals Kaka had brought for me but this time I couldn't "
Anirudh said and she turned back to see his eyes on her , he stepped closer and smile " I don't know why but it felt as if destiny brought us together , maybe you were right that I was destined in your fate and that's why it had happened that day , what I want you to know is that I'm thankful to Durga Maa that I got to meet you Bondita , you're an amazing and brave woman " he took few steps back , still keeping the eyes contact .

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