Chapter 27

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After dinner everyone returned to their rooms except for Anirudh , who was checking the files his assistant had dropped .

Bondita sat inside the room for a while and frowned before going in his study .

She walked down the stairs and saw him sitting on his desk , files were spread on the table and only the study light was on . She shook her head at that , this man really doesn't want to keep his eyes right ? And as if to prove her right , he rubbed his eyes .

" Patibabu you know right that you have a beautiful young wife ? " Bondita said leaning against the stairs .

Anirudh who had already heard the anklets , finally looked up at her and couldn't stop himself from smiling . That light blue night saree , a thin chain in her neck which shone more in the dark against her skin , her hair in a lose braid resting over her shoulder .

She just looked so soft and gentle , is this the feminine beauty poets mention in their poems ? The one which stirs a fire inside you , which can only be calmed by the one who flamed it ?

" Patibabu " Bondita said a little loudly bring him out of his thoughts to notice the pout and frown on her face and he automatically smiled .

" You want kaka to come here to for my shakchuni ? " he asked and Bondita's eyes widen as she glared at him before glancing at the door and came near his desk .

" You're bad patibabu " Bondita said and pouted , more than anger she tried to look cute .

" Why ? " Anirudh asked innocent leaning over the table .

" You left me all alone , I don't like it " Bondita said and looked away with anger then looked at him again " Aren't you tired ? You should also sleep but no , barrister babu wants to work under this study lamp , do you plan to get a headache ? Or you want to lose your eyes ? " she said and he smiled which oy made her more angry " You're laughing on me ? I won't talk to you patibabu " she said turned to leave when he got up and stopped her , caging her between the table and him .

He looked down in her eyes as the smile on his lips vanished , her glare slowly vanished too noticing how dark his eyes looked . Bondita stared up at him as he leaned closer , she nervously turned her face and felt his breath on the side of her face " Patibabu you..." but was cut off  by a soft shhh from him .

Shh? She took a side glance and saw his eyes on her and a little smirk but it wasn't the one which he usually had while teasing her , this one seemed different .

" Didn't I tell you to not walk away from me ? " he whispered and she looked at him at that as he stepped closer and put his hand on the table on her both sides and leaned closer and place a kiss on her shoulder startling her .

" Patibabu " Bondita said as she looked at him shocked and a little scared , he chuckled and her eyes widen , why did that sounded .

" You want to get caught while getting punished ? " he asked as stood straight putting his hands in his pocket , only he knew how he's controlling himself , the side which always tried to jump out whenever his little wifey tried to walk away .

" Punished?" Bondita timidly asked and he chuckled nodding , it felt scary . Why was he behaving like this ? " It's getting late patibabu , don't joke , let's sleep " she said and moved away but was pull back and pressed against his front .

Anirudh's hand moved down from her arm to her hand and he held them wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing on her shoulder " You really don't listen to your patibabu , Bondita . You like getting naughty just because I don't say anything ? You need punishment " he whispered and Bondita pursed his lips , is he talking about punishment or....seduction ? Her face turned red and her eyes flutter closed when she felt his lips on her neck .

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