Chapter 29

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They came out of the school and Bondita jumped in his arms and he laughed " Looks like you're quite excited " and Bondita pulled back nodding with a grin .

" Let's go , we have to buy all the things if you're gonna start your classes from tomorrow " Anirudh said getting into the car and Bondita asked " Can we take Som dada and Tapur with us too ? "

They both returned to the haveli and took Somnath and Tapur with them .

" Didi what are you going to buy ?" Tapur asked sitting beside Bondita in the back " Uniform will be send by the school since there weren't any other girl student here , I need to buy books and I almost have most of the stuff "

Tapur pouted " So we won't be going to shop alot ? " and Anirudh who heard this laughed " Why not Tapur ? Shop as much you want , you husband will pay " and Somnath glanced at Tapur's grin and sighed ,looks like his pocket is gonna empty today .

Soon they reached the market and after buying Bondita's school accessories the two girls went inside a saree shop , all their cloths have always been bought by either thakuma in the past or now Kakasasurji . Bondita had bought some cloths in Dalhousie by her own money but it was never enough to buy something expensive .

Tapur asked the man to show saree's while Somnath stood beside her to help select , Anirudh looked at Bondita who was looking around the shop with a uninterested look " You want to look somewhere else ? " he asked and she glanced at Tapur and Somnath before nodding .

The two came out and her eyes fell on a shop and she took his hand pulling her towards that , Anirudh was confused seeing the shop because it was a men's wear shop .

The two entered and a staff welcomed them " Sir how can I help you ?"

Anirudh looked at Bondita who grinned " Show us cloth which are in trend right now " and the staff nodded .

" I have enough cloths Bondita " He said and she rolled her eyes " You need to change your style " and Anirudh frowned , what's wrong with his style now ? Everyone always praised it .

The moment Bondita saw the cloths , all her interest vanished " What happened , you don't like these ? " he asked and Bondita shook her head .

" Don't you have something else ? I asked for something new , these are from 2 years ago " The shopkeeper was surprised that she knew this was a old batch , it was so clean and perfect , how would this girl know ?

Even Anirudh was confused because men's fashion wasn't vast in variety , even to him these looked fine and although he travels alot , he didn't realise what's in the fashion right now .

" We...We only have this in stock " The shopkeeper said awkwardly and Bondita sighed " Okay show us some shirts " and he nodded  , leaving to bring some .

" How did you know it was a old batch ?" Anirudh asked and Bondita who was looking around didn't pay attention as she answered " I often shoped in the past patibabu , I know exactly what's in trend "

Anirudh who had always been open minded for a moment didn't like when she said this , shopped in the past? There wasn't any man in the Das haveli except her kaka who doesn't wear western cloths , who else would she shop for ?

Just as he was going to ask for who the shopkeeper came back with the shirts and Bondita selected a few , they bought them and came out . Bondita who noticed how lost Anirudh looked held his hand " What are you thinking ?"

Anirudh looked at her and smiled shaking his head , he didn't want say anything that would come of as something wrong , but still this question kept hitting him , for whom she used to shop in the past ?

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