Chapter 30

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Last night after talking to Anirudh , Bondita didn't thought about anything negative , it was true no matter what it is , her patibabu can make it all right .

Bondita sighed as she looked at Batuk who was standing with other boys at the door looking into the corridors .

" Batuk sit here ! " She said and he made a face at her while the other boys chuckled " It I'm not wrong most of you are married , right ? " she said and some of the boys frowned at her .

Bondita rolled her eyes , it's stupid how all them are crowding to see that girl , there's a high possibility that she would be british and if that is the case then they all should be ready to get humiliated by her .

Batuk hurriedly came and sat beside her as others also took their seats , the teacher entered and smiled at everyone .

" Class we have two new students now " the teacher said as he looked towards the door " Come inside "

Bondita sighed as she stared at her desk in boredom , she was already not in high energy because of Patibabu deficiency but now she has to sit through the whole boring introduction .

" Baudi she's so beautiful " Batuk said nudging and Bondita rolled her eyes , she looked out the window and for a moment her mind went back to yesterday . Even if that was just a delusion but still why? She wasn't even thinking about Anurag , maybe it was someone else ? She shook her head , she can't start thinking about this again .

" You both can ask Bondita , she will help you with notes " Bondita heard this and looked back at the teacher but her eyes went to the two people standing beside him staring back at her , she sat up straight as she stared at them in disbelief .

How could it be ?! Amrit and...Anurag ?!

" Bondita share your notes with them okay ? " The teacher said and Bondita didn't reply as she kept staring at the two " Baudi " Batuk shook her in confusion and she glanced at him then at the teacher nodding .

Her eyes went to Amrit and Anurag who were now looking at Batuk before their gaze met her's again , she looked away breaking the eyes contact .

What was Amrit and Anurag doing here? Weren't they both in London? She thought they had left , then why would they be here now ?

After the class was over , everyone went towards them to talk but the two came to Bondita , Batuk looked at them surprised .

" Bondita..." Amrit called her as she tried to hold her hand which Bondita avoided before looking back to meet her gaze .

" Bondita listen to me " Anurag said but Bondita didn't look his way , it still felt unreal for him to be here , how can it be fucking possible , she frowned as she looked down .

Batuk glanced at Bondita before looking at the two , Anurag looked at her sadly before reaching out his hand to her which Batuk stopped , Anurag frowned at him which he matched with his own glare . 

" Keep your distance from my baudi " Batuk said and Bondita held his arm , he looked at her " Batuk leave it " she then looked at Anurag who was looking back at her with a hurt & shocked expression and she ignored it as her eyes met with Amrit who didn't look any better " I would appreciate it if you both leave me alone "

Everyone around them whispered to each other noticing the exchange between them and Amrit sighed glancing around and pulled Anurag away from there , who tried to protest it .

The whole day Bondita kept ignoring the two and especial thanks to Batuk who kept glaring at the two , although he also kept pestering her asking who they were and even offered to beat up Anurag if she wants .

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