Chapter 14

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" Tapur " Bondita said when she saw her coming out from Rimjhim's room , Tapur turned to her and tears fell from her eyes as she ran towards her . Bondita was worried when she was embraced by Tapur " What happened ? "

Tapur was not saying anything as she cried and Bondita pulled her away from there , they went to the terrace .
" Now stop crying and tell me "

" Before our marriage , Maa has told about what happens between a husband and wife on their first night.." Tapur said hiccuping , Bondita rubbed her back and nodded for her to continue .

" She said that no matter what happens , I'll not stop Som ji . To let him do what he wants.." Bondita frowned with disgust and anger , how can a mother say this her daughter ? " but last night.."

A fear gripped Bondita's heart , Somnath was quite worried for Tapur , he wouldn't have right? But if Tapur didn't stop him then how would he know?
" What ? Tell me ? Did he..?"

Tapur shook her head " He just came a little close to me , I didn't stop him because I somewhere liked it but was also scared as I couldn't understand all of it , I felt overwhelmed . Maa's words , the situation I had no knowledge about and then his actions , it all got to me . It wasn't his fault , really but I just started crying and he immediately left me and even tried to calm me but I felt scared that he might not like me anymore . He have been really sweet to me , I felt embarrassed and scared to talk to him since morning , I didn't know how to react and right mow Maa even scolded me...she said..." Tapur told her everything and Bondita felt hate , that woman is disgusting .

" Tapur calm down , don't cry okay? " Bondita wipped her tears and embraced her , after a few minutes she pulled away " Now listen to me , you weren't wrong in stopping it . If you don't know about something , it's normal for you to feel scared . What you did wrong was not talking to Som dada about it , now you're husband and wife , more then anyone else , he needs to know how you feel . Don't listen to anyone , do what you and he wants to do . Go and share it with him , tell him how you feel . He was quite worried about you , if you have any question you can't ask him then come to me but don't cry okay ? "

Tapur nodded , he will understand her .
" Come , let's go back now " Bondita said and the two went back to their own rooms .


Anirudh came out of the shower , he looked at the clock , Bondita haven't come back yet . He went towards the dressing table and looked at himself , he opened the few button of his shirt and looked at his abdomen . He does have some abs but is this enough? What type of body does Bondita likes? He blushed as he remembered how she had called him handsome , it did boost his confidence . He took of the shirt and flexed his arms and smirked , even without working out he's still in shape and he does look hot .

The smirked wiped of his face when the doors opened startling him , he turned around and saw Bondita without noticing him shut the door , she turned to him and looked at him blackly before her eyes dropped on his chest and they widen .

" Agghhhh "

" ahhhhhh "

They both screamed at the same time , Bondita turned back to the door and Anirudh picked his shirt and wore it back hurriedly .

Bondita panted , what did she just saw . His upper body was bare . Her face turned crimson , oh god !! It was glistening with water droplets , at this thought her face turned more red , if possible . Why is she thinking about that ?

Anirudh hurriedly buttoned up his shirt and looked at Bondita , who was facing her back to him . Oh god what was he doing shirtless in her room ?!

Checking yourself out , to know wheather Bondita will like it or not . You can ask her now !

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