Chapter 25

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Anirudh immediately held Bondita's wrist of the hand which was gripping on Saudamini's hair .

Her red eyes filled with tears turned to him , meeting his gaze which were glaring back at her and it pierced her heart .

He pulled Bondita away from Saudamini " Have you really lost your mind ? What do you think you're doing ? " he yelled , he felt confused and dissapointed , what was this ? Why was she behaving like this ? How can his Bondita just hurt someone ? Even if it's Saudamini , but it's not right .

Bondita flinched as he yelled at her and she looked down at h3r wrist where he was holding , why did she felt a little burn there ? Her gaze lifted up and met with Saudamini's , who was looking back at her with a little smirk and Bondita wanted to wipe that off .

Anirudh noticed her glare and turned his head to Saudamini who immediately changed her expression and looked to be still in shock and crying . He felt guilt , no matter what but in this comdition she shouldn't go through somehing like this , he turned back to Bondita " Are you not listening what I'm saying ? What was that ? What do you think you were doing ? " he yelled when Bondita didn't stop glaring at Saudamini .

Bondita closed her eyes as he yelled again and she felt scared , was he also going to do what Anurag did ? Breaking her after doing all sorts of promises ? She turned to looked at him " What do you think you were doing by holding that woman in your arms ?! " she yelled back in anger , he was yelling at her infront of this woman ? She was literally smerking seeing all this and here he's literally making a joke of them .

Anirudh's eyes widen as he stared at her , did he heard right ? Did Bondita really said that and meant what he think ?

" Was I supposed to stand like a fool while my husband is holding is ex-fiance in his arms ? " Bondita yelled before pulling away her hand and glaring again at Saudamini who smirked back .

Anirudh felt hurt , did she not trust him ? Not even a little ? Everytime he did what seemed right for her , he controlled his behavior and changed his way to deal with stuff just so it won't put a pressure on her , no matter what he always trusted on her and here she was behaving like this ?

" John slapped her " he said gaining Bondita attention " I was just checking if she's okay and she's pregnant Bondita , do you know how harmfull it could be for the child ? " he asked before looking at her with a hurtfull expression " You really not trust me right ? "

Bondita stared at him and went numb at his last words as guilt creeped on her , trust ? Can she really talk about it when she has been lying to him all this while ? The hurt in his eyes hurted her even more , the pain in his voice broke her heart .

She didn't mean to hurt him but it just felt bad to see him with her , it wasn't so simple as he thought it was but what right does she have to say anything to him . How can she doubt him to betray her when she hasn't even been honest with him , but what was she supposed to do ? What else does she have apart from him ? Everyone left her alone , he was the only one with her and now seeing the way he was caring for Saudamini hurt her .

She stepped back as she controlled the tear from falling , she didn't want to cry infront of Saudamini who was probably gloating by seeing them argue .

Bondita looked again at Anirudh who stared back at her with hurt in his eyes , he was hurt ? What about her ? She wanted to embrace him and apologize just so that he would smile at her again but the picture of him and Saudamini in each other's embrace burned her insides , the arms which always seemed to feel like home felt strange to her today .

Anirudh stared at her and although he was confused , dissapointed and angry but seeing her crestfallen expression made him reach out to hold her but his hand was met with air because she already turned around and left , rushing inside the hotel .

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