Chapter 19

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Anirudh was sitting in the garden , rewinding everything from day one .

Her not being present during their first meeting , the way she spoke in front of those poeple at mandir , the way she looked so dull and hesitant the day they officially met , the things Tupur had said now seemed to hold a more elaborated hidden meaning , the moments where she cried .

His heart shattered as he realised how there are so many things he didn't know about his wife , the wife who was suffering . It made him feel ashamed that the dream that he had wished to fulfil , was his wife's life that she had to leave .

Why would she not tell him? She has aways shown courage when speaking up for others , why did she not try to once for herself ? What did thakuma do to stop her ? What was there that she was so scared of ?

" Dada "

He looked turned his head and saw Tapur and frowned looking away from her .

" Sampoorna Maa is asking about sasurji " she asked nervously as she watched the way he wasn't even looking at her .

" I've called baba , he should be back back by tomorrow " Anirudh said as he waited for her to leave but she didn't .

" wasn't didi's fault..." Tapur said but stopped seeing his glare , she felt scared as today she actually saw the dissapointment and anger in them . But she didn't want to stop , she didn't want there to be any misunderstandings between them " Dada please listen to me once..." she continued but was cut off by him .

" Why?! " he asked standing up and glaring at her , he didn't want to take out the anger on Tapur but it wasn't in his control anymore " Why should I listen now ? When I asked you , did you tell me ? You knew what she was going through , did you once tried to tell me ?" He said and turned around before laughing dryly " Actually it's not your fault , why would you tell me anything when my wife didn't trust me enough to..." he paused as his heart felt suffocated at just this thought .

It still didn't feel like the reality , the truth was so beautiful but broken into pieces that were now piercing through his soul and heart .

" She wanted to..." Tapur said as tears rolled down her eyes " but she couldn't..."

He turned to her " Why? Just because of thakuma ? She has literally speak up against the whole society and her family for others ! What was so scary that she couldn't speak up infront of me for herself ? Why in this case she was so scared of thakuma ? Why ?! Do you even have any idea how ashamed I'm feeling right now ? That what I preached for was snatched from my wife and I couldn't do anything because of I was unaware of the injustice happening with her " and he stumbled back on the bench .

" It was sumati ma..." Tapur said making him look at her " she was trapped dada , she couldn't do anything because she was alone , she did wanted to tell you , she wanted to go back , but she couldn't..." Tapur said as she started crying .

Anirudh looked at her as each word of her was only killing him , making him realise that the day that might be the most beautiful probably was the doom for Bondita .

" Dada please don't misunderstand Didi , she wasn't at fault , it was just too sudden for her . Thakuma had planned for it to go this way..." Tapur said catching his attention , he knew that right now he can't question Bondita , he was too emotionally vulnerable to communicate with her when he knows that she still might hesitate or get scared from telling him . But he needed to know everything and there was only Tapur at the moment who might not make him lose his sanity more .

" Tapur you better be honest this time , I want to know everything that happened " He said looking at her and she nodded

" Didi wasn't aware of the alliance when she returned from Dalhousie " She said and Anirudh frowned " Dalhousie? "

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