Chapter 16

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The whole day Bondita was busy with the arrangements for Sampoorna's Godh bharai , since there was no other woman in the family and Sampoorna can't be asked to help for her own Godh bharai in the 9th month of pregnancy , everything was getting managed by Tapur and Bondita .

It was decided that since it's the 9th month and Sampoorna herself doesn't want something big as it could be tiring , the day of Godh bharai was set to be a week later , so thag Binoy would also be back from his business trip .

" Who knew even making arrangements for functions with the help of so many people could be so tiring too didi " Tapur said yawning , Bihari and Koeyli were literally getting tasks after tasks to complete , Trilochan already told them everything that would be needed but it was first time for both the girl to have a big responsibility like this .

Tapur although saw it all but never was part of managing any functions while Bondita always avoided things like this .

" You're right , It must be so tiring for Sampoorna Maa , she had been managing it all during our wedding " Bondita said feeling bad for the pregnant girl , she sighed to herself...she was a girl .

" Let's get some sleep , we have to go to deenpur tomorrow " Tapur said and Bondita groaned in annoyance with herself , she was the one who agreed to go for the Godh bharai but who knew that lady was from the neighboring village , Deenpur .

Bondita without saying anything went upstairs followed by Tapur , who silently left to her own room where Somnath was probably still stuck in his books .

Bondita entered the balcony and was confused to see the lights off , she entered the room and there too the lights were off , she switched them on and no one was there . Where is he ?

Is he in his study ? But the lights were off , should she go ? He had been inside his study whole day , even during lunch he just came and left after having his food . He didn't say anything just a few times she caught him looking at her with a unreadable express .

She went downstairs and walked closer to the study doors , the glass doors were covered with white curtains , making it impossible to even see his blurry figure from those glass doors . Should she knock ? But if he is inside why would he keep the lights off ? Is he somewhere else ? She stuck her ear to the door but maybe she put a little too much weight while leaning on it because the door slightly opened , it's open ?

Is he inside ? Because he always kept the door locked . Should she go inside ? But without his permission it's not good .

She contemplated for a few minutes but she needs to know where he is too . She slowly opened the door and pushed aside the white curtains and her eyes fell on the fingure in the dark .

The head full of black shiny hair which was visible because of the table lamp on the desk , where the head was resting over the folded arms .

Is he asleep ? She stepped inside and closed the doors " Patibabu " her voice was low but in the silent room it didn't  went unnoticed by the figure behind the desk .

Anirudh who was having a headache had turned off the lights and tried to focus on his documents , he have a hearing the day after tomorrow but couldn't concentrate as the thoughts of his wife didn't let him , what made his headache more unbearable wasn't her thoughts but his concern .

His concern about her lie , it was a small lie but it was from Bondita which bothered him . He was from day one have been trying to behave as sweetly and gently he could with Bondita , it wasn't that she didn't anything to make him mad , infact she only made his life better .

But at time his brain told him to do it his way , like on their first night when she cried like that and he wanted to question her .

Like the way she got upset twice in a day back in Das haveli , he wanted to hold her and make her spill everything but he held back , yes he asked her to tell him and she did but he knew....he knew that it wasn't all , there was more . He knew that if went ahead with questioning her , she might even stop showing him the little vulnerability she's showing , even if she's not sharing her problems , atleast she's letting him hold her while crying .

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