Chapter 10

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Bondita sat silently as maids did all sort of things Thakuma told them to , she looked at Tapur who looked close to falling on her face from sleep . It was no way near the time of wedding , hell it was still morning and here thakuma was getting all sort of pastes and baths ready , so that they will look beautiful .

Thakuma watched as both the girls looked horrible , Tapur's head has been rolled and dropped in all direct just her face haven't hit the floor yet and Bondita looks as if wolfs were howling over her head whole night .

" Thakuma !! Thakuma !! " Kalindi frowned as Rimjhim came running towards her " What is it ? Why are you yelling ? " Rimjhin stopped when got yelled at by Kalindi then glared at Bondita " She burned something in her balcony , ask her what it was " Rimjhim said frowning  and Kalinid turned to Bondita who frowned in irritation and got up " It was trash " and left the room with Tapur who stumbled in sleep .

" We need sleep or the barat might leave after seeing our faces " Bondita said before leaving and Rimjhim's lips twiched " You heard what she said Thakuma ? What might it be that she burned ? " and Kalindi glared at her making her shut .

Kalindi didn't want to do anything that can piss off Bondita , it was surprising that Bondita didn't create a big fuss in all this and is actually complying with everything and it looks like she also likes Anirudh , now Kalindi can only breath with peace after she leave to her sasural.

Inside her room , Bondita watched as Tapur laid on the bed and fell asleep in an instant and went towards her balcony which was now cleaned up , she went towards the railing and saw as the servants and workers were walking around decorating everything and she could already see two mandaps getting set in their garden . This new life is filled uncertainty but what's certain is that she can never go back to the live she lived , she can't pick her books again , she can't go and take classes or play with her friends , she can't complain about exams or syllabus , she can't dream about entering the courtroom as a barrister in this life .

She went back inside and laid down on the bed , she should also sleep and stop her brain which has been running since yesterday . She doesn't remember when was the last time she felt truly happy , it's as if her identity and existence is being snatched but maybe she was the one who forgot the reality , that a girl can't reach where she dared to dream about .


Trilochan looked at his both sons who were sitting on the couch as Sampoorna did all sorts rituals before they could leave . It still feels like a dream that his Anirudh is getting married , at some point Trilochan had thought that maybe Anirudh will also spend his whole life alone like him but thank to Maa Durga who sended Bondita in their life . Kalindi gave him biggest blessing , his Anirudh's wife to them . Now he just prays that everything goes right and soon his Anirudh will have his kids . Tears filled his eyes and blinked away the tears , he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked beside him at Binoy who smiled at him " Thankyou Da " and Trilochan scoffed , were they not his son? What was this fool thanking him for?

Batuk looked at his brothers and felt nervous , last time it was Anirudh who was sitting dressed up , but what happened after that was the worst thing for his family . Even though he didn't want to , that image didn't leave his mind . But he knows his baudi isn't like that shakchuni , she will always love his Dada . He chuckled to himself , sure that she already does .

" Dada just a few more hours " Somnath whispered drawing Anirudh's attentionn who smiled too , just a few hours and they will be tied by an unbreakable knot with each other " Actually more than a few hours Som Dada " both frowned and turned to Batuk who was standing behind them with a wierd grin .

" Kaal ratri " Batuk said before whistling and walking to stand away from the two , while Somnath and Anirudh looked at each other , they can't stay with their wifes !

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