Additional Info

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In the world of Shifters and those connected to were-species, everyone has a weakness, strengths, and abilities. Individually these are the following weaknesses categorized within all species of shifters:

*Depending on the sub species (a half blood/hybrid/or half-shifter) they can also share these weaknesses.
Werewolves and lycans are the closest related subspecies of shifters. Therefore, they share the same weaknesses and strengths as the other.

Silver is the deadliest thing to a werewolf. Depending on the severity of exposure it can lead to things from rashes to severe burns or lacerations. Exposed enough can mean death. Silver, when more pure, can cause worsened effects. Silver must be applied directly to skin to cause damages to the skin and if applied to the bloodstream may cause paralysis and later death if untreated.
Silver is most commonly used by hunters when going after and capturing werewolves or lycans.


Wolfsbane is a flower that grows in the more western part of the United States along with other regions. This plant, when exposed to, can cause many things to happen. It can cause hallucinations, fainting, severe pain, insomnia, and a long list of symptoms including death if exposed to it much longer than needed. This plant can be made in to many forms-liquid, mist, etc. Wolfsbane is typically used to weaken things or torture the supernatural that are weak to it. Sometimes, due to its properties of causing nausea and vomiting it is an occasional practiced medicine if a werewolf needs to expel something else from their stomach.

•Full Moon
A full moon can be a weakness and a strength. For those who are in full control of their wolves it will amplify their strength for the night. It can cause swells of power and strength.
For those who are young or have been freshly bitten this can invoke their first shift unwillingly.

•Alpha Abilities

-Alpha Voice
When someone is ranked up to Alpha, or they have Alpha blood their vocal ability is special. Depending on the Alpha(blooded) depends on their ability to control their voice. Though this is an underlining term for their vocal control(snarling, growling, or simply speaking). An Alpha Voice ranges in power but overall can cause lesser ranked wolves, even those who are Alpha blooded but not titled, to submit to the Alpha they are aligned with. This voice, or sound, coming from this Alpha can do the following:
-Make a werewolf or lycan submit to them in both human or animal form.
-Can force a shift from either form. (Can make someone shift or "un-shift" against their will)

*Any subspecies such as mixed races or half-shifters with werebear blood can be affected the same way as a PureBlood/Bitten Werebear.

-Pure Copper
Much like the other shifters, pure copper can go a long way when introduced to a werebear. Unlike a lycan or a werewolf, a werebear can only be harmed by pure copper and not anything less than that. Due to this being their biggest weakness it can hurt them greater or kill them much easier when it is introduced internally in any way.
Much like silver to werewolves, copper can cause deep burns, deep cuts, and can even result in death. If too much is exposed to the bloodstream it will lead to death no matter what. Copper can also cause shifting to become erratic and can sometimes stall a shift in either form.


The Stapelia flower is known for its more pungent and foul odor. To other shifters or supernatural creatures and even humans, it may be a strong scent of death or rot. To a werebear, however, this flower can cause dizziness, lack of coordination, light headedness, and can even go so far as to mess with all the senses. The reason for this is the stronger sense of smell to a werebear. This flower isn't necessarily harmful in ways of the Wolfsbane plant but can very much be a deterrent or something to confuse a werebear.

*Any subspecies such as mixed races or half-shifters with werecat blood can be affected the same way as a PureBlood/Bitten Werecats.

With Werecats being less common than werewolves, lycans, and werebears, their only known weakness is Gold. This metal, when connected to direct skin, can cause severe burns. These burns can be so severe that that can quickly reach bone or muscles. However, unlike with silver or copper, these wounds can heal faster. It is unsure how they cause the most damage but heal faster than the other shifters.

-Vocal Heightened Sensitivity
All Werecats have a certain ability of vocal control where they "yowl" or "scream" that can cause a few seconds of paralysis to those nearby. This range is only to a select few around them and depending on someone's distance it will affect them differently.
This paralysis can only consist of body "freezing" where a person can't move for a few seconds. Even though all Werecats have this ability many of them don't know how to fully control it.

*All other species range from how they are affected. Most species are overall affected by silver, copper, or gold. It ranges from shifter to shifter that aren't directly listed above.


*Most vampires and most hybrids with vampiric blood have the following pros and cons. Again, this is most, and not all.

Iron can be relatively deadly to a vampire. For newborns iron can be less deadly. It's more like an allergy or burns of much much lesser degree. The older the vampire, and depending on how pure a vampire's blood might be the higher chances of iron hurting them, grows. Iron tends to hurt older vampires more often than younger ones but it doesn't mean younger ones are able to avoid it.

Ah, sunlight, a horrible weakness for 98% of the vampire population. Sunlight can cause severe burns to a vampire. From first degree to third degree, vampires can be burned to death by the sun. Unlike stories where they burst in to flames it is much more common for the skin to simply burn without them.

-Blood Consumption
The need for blood always falls to vampires and most of the time hybrids can also survive solely off blood if they choose. Blood is the main food source of a vampire due to the blood being consumed goes in to the blood stream of said vampire, cures hunger, and can allow faster healing. Depending on what a vampire feeds on can lessen their hunger. Animals, true animals, are more difficult to fully fill a vampire but it is possible to only survive on them.
Some vampires have the ability to feed on other vampires while others cannot.

This ability is held by a larger number of vampires as a natural predatory instinct within the specie. Some hybrids can also have charm abilities. A charm is the ability to hypnotize their "prey" or even lesser vampires depending on how well one can use this ability. A charm ability can be used through the voice-talking, singing, or even sounds made during sex. This is a natural ability (to some) that makes whomever they are directly using it on more vulnerable. This works best on humans.

*This is a certain trait that comes with bitten vampires, aka, the majority of them.
Not having a reflection is a myth in the vampiric world. Yes, they all have reflections but for those bitten, or changed, their reflections may differ. When looking in the reflection their once human form will be looking back at them. For the small majority of vampires born their reflections would remain the same, obviously. It is unclear as to why the once human self of the vampire is trapped in the reflective glass but alas, it is.

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