"I want to file a restraining order on her. She's fucking crazy!" Jolene said as to the judge as I scoffed. "Oh please! You came for me & my man hoe. Then you wanna run & sue me when I threatened to put bullets in your ass. That didn't work bc I had a good ass lawyer. Now you finally have the man that you been dying to have & your still not happy? Now you wanna file restraining orders against me. I've done nothing to you. It was YOU who thought it was okay to come between a BLACK women & her family. But if a restraining order is what you want, then go ahead. He'll always wanna spin this block again tho. Just saying." I said smiling; throwing my hands up & winking at Jay.

"The restraining order will be filed & put into effect immediately. Beyoncé if we here something about you again, you will be dealt with. Now I enrolled you to see a therapist every Wednesday & Fridays. If you fail to appear, you will be put in custody for a week for each time you fail to appear. Do I make myself clear?" The judge asked as I was zoned out. "BEYONCE." She yelled as I looked up at her. "Yes your honor." I said. "Good! You will start this week. On Friday, which will be tomorrow. Mrs. Henderson will be your therapist & you'll have to be there at 10 AM every Wednesday & Friday." She said as I sighed & nodded. "Okay." I said.

Once everything was settled, I left the courthouse & went directly to my car. I checked my phone soon as I got in bc I couldn't bring it in there with me.

Solo💕☁️- how'd it go?
Solo-💕☁️- did she file a restraining order??
Solo💕🤍- are you arrested??
Solo💕☁️- hello?? Beyoncé.... wtf... do I need to beat some ass??
Solo💕☁️- mmtch 🙄!!
Solo💕☁️- any day nowwwwww... hoe!!

The list of her messages continued. I laughed & just shook my head before responding.

Me- I'm good sis, I just have to go to a therapist & shit. im cool w that, long as she didn't put me in no fkn anger management class. we all know how that would've turnt out 😂. I have to go to therapy every Wednesday & Friday.

I sent the message & went to go get something to eat. I pulled up to Popeyes to see my big headed ass best friend Kelly. "I knew yo long neck ass was gone be here." She said as I laughed. "Bitch why you working here anyways?" I asked. "First of all I'm not working here, im just here in place of my friend. She's out of town visiting her family." She said as I nodded. "Hm. What friend?" I asked. "I'll tell you later, you're blocking the line. Bye I love youuuu." She said rushing me off as I sighed. "Byeee Kelly. I love you moreee & come by whenever you get off. I need to tell you ab what happened today." I said as she nodded.

I went to the next window & got my food. Wait a damn minute, I didn't even pay for this shit. Oh well, im famous anyways it ain't like I can't buy this whole damn Popeyes.

I had my shades in so I couldn't be noticed that easily. "I'm sorry ma'am but you didn't pay for this so I cant give it to you." The girl at the window said. She was ghetto as fuck. "Hm. Is that soooo?" I asked & she instantly spazzed. "OMGGGG BEYONCEEEEE?? Forget paying for it hell I don't careeee. Can I get a picture with youuuuu?" She said as I laughed & nodded. She handed me my food & took her phone out.

Once she was done, I got her instagram & followed her. "Thank you for the love & support. It is well appreciated. Especially in time like this."  I said as she just nodded. "I'll never give up on you." She said as her voice cracked. I just smiled & waved at her before pulling off.

Sometimes I forget how famous I rlly am. I went home & took another shower bc I hate outside clothes. I ate my food & watched tv. There's rlly nothing for me to do. I don't have kids & there's a reason but I'll talk about that later.

After Kelly arrived, I told her everything & she told me about her day at "work".

"So what friend are you talking about?" I asked. "I call her cookie. I would tell you her real name but like she don't like for anyone to know it. She didn't tell me it until like a month ago & we been friends for like 6 months now. But she from Trinidad & she'll go visit once a month. She's supposed to be back tomorrow so yeah. She's also a stripper at night & she works at Popeyes during the day. She has a nice ass house not to far from yours. It's literally like a block away. But that's all I can tell you for now bc she don't like for her business to be out & shit. But she real cool. You should talk to her sometimes. Y'all both need friends. I'm tired of being y'all only friend!!" Kelly said as I sighed & rolled my eyes.

"I mean I guess. Is she nice?" I asked as she nodded. "Only if you are. She was very nice to me." She said shrugging as I just looked at her. "That's bc you're a nice person & im rlly not. I mean I am, but like at the same time I don't like talking." I said as she nodded. "Oh trust me. I know. Which is why i want y'all to be friends. She need to learn how to be around people that match her attitude. Bc she got a smart ass mouth & you do too. & y'all both like girls." She said as I scoffed. "Whatever. & FYI, I don't just like girls. I am pansexual. Not gay. I like whatever attracts me regardless of the gender." I said as she surrendered. "My badddd. But it's getting late & I should go. I'll call you tomorrow before your session. I love you." She said as I groaned.

"Bye bye best. I love you more & okay I'll answer." I said as she smacked her lips. "You think you famous or something? Talking ab okay & I'll answer. Hoe you better ALWAYS pick up when I call tf." She said walking out as I laughed.

I sighed & looked at the time. I need to get ready for bed. I have a long ass session tomorrow.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now