"Leave me the fuck alone." I yelled tryna break away from Beyoncé's grip. "Baby I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." She yelled back as I just yanked my arm back. "Shut the fuck up bc I don't care. I'm leaving." I said going downstairs to get my shit.

She followed behind me & I smacked my teeth. "Can I explain?" She asked as I just laughed. "Explain what? That you moaned another bitch name while I was tryna please you? Get the fuck on bro." I said pushing past her. "If you leave I will literally kill myself. I can't deal with another lost Nicki. I said I was sorry. Now let me explain." She said as I shook my head.

I tried to hide my tears & control my emotions but I couldn't. "Why you lie? You said you only fucked with one person & I believed you for the longest. Now who the fuck is Lauren? Bc last time I checked my name was Nicki." I said as she just looked at me & sighed. "Exactly. You can't even tell me. I'm gone." I said. I walked out her house & she didn't even try to follow me. All she said was, "you gone regret that shit."

I sighed & drove to my momma's house. I needed to talk to someone. I couldn't talk to Kelly bc she wouldn't convinced me to go back & talk things out with her. What is there to talk about when she literally moaned some other bitch name? That's so fucking disrespectful.

It was now currently 9:45 am & I realize today was Wednesday. My momma isn't home, fuck. Beyoncé is supposed to be going to her therapy session today. I heard my phone ringing & it was my momma. "Hello?" I asked. "Have you heard from Beyoncé?" She said. "Earlier I did. We got into an argument tho & I left. I was actually headed to your house but I realized today was Wednesday so I went to my house." I said. "Hm, she hasn't showed up to her session yet & it's almost 10. Her session is usually at 9. Can you see if you see her car?" She asked as I mentally rolled my eyes. "Uh sure. Hold on." I put my slides back on & went back to my car.

I drove down the block to Bey's house & I saw a lot of ambulances & shit. "Momma ima have to call you back." I said hanging up the phone. I parked in her driveway & sighed. I hope she didn't take what she said earlier serious.

I hopped out my car & ran to see what had happened. "Are you Nicki?" A police asked looking at Beyonce's & i picture. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You're under arrest for attempted murder of Beyoncé Knowles." He said as i frowned. "I didn't even do shit." I mumbled.

He handcuffed me & threw me in the back of the police car. He bumped my head & I groaned. "Fuck." I yelled out. "Silence." He said as i huffed. I hate this bitch I swear.

"I'm sorry I know you said be silent but I'd like to know what exactly happened. I know you might not believe me but I didn't do anything to Beyoncé. If you tell me what happened then I'll tell you what happened between me & her." I said as he just smacked his teeth. "I'm not supposed to tell you but since you asked nicely I'll tell you. So we got a call from Beyonce's resident saying she needed help & that she felt weak. So we sent 2 ambulances to her house. Later on when they finally arrived, they found her unconscious in her kitchen. & so that's when we arrived to search for anything unusual. That's when we found a glass of what seemed to be red whine but beside it was a note in your handwriting." He said as my head started beating. This hoe set me up.

"What did the note say?" I asked. He tried to hand it to me, but I was handcuffed. "I'm handcuffed remember." I said as he chuckled a little. "Oh right. It says." He said as he cleared his throat.

Note: I tried being everything you wanted. I cooked for you, I cried with you, & I gave you the best sex. Well so I thought, that was until I heard you moan another woman's name during our intercourse. I didn't say much to you after that, but you knew this was coming. Now why don't you read this while you take a sip of whine. there's a glass on the table waiting for you. but you know what they say. be careful who you take shit from.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now