Today was a boring ass day. I haven't talked to Beyoncé in a while. She is currently in court for some stupid shit that Jolene keep accusing her of. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my baby. Last time we talked was last night on the phone. We kinda ended off in a bad way but it was her fault.

We was talking about us & somehow it flipped to her getting mad at me about Rihanna. All bc I told her that we kissed before. She just mad for no reason. It's old & we all know Rih and I aren't cool anymore. She needs to let that shit go. All she ended off with was "bet." & hung up. No I love you or no goodnight. We didn't go to sleep on the phone like usual.

I sighed & tried to text her. It didn't deliver so I frowned. I know she didn't block me. Omg. I'll just have to show up later. But right now, I'm finna do some house cleaning & shit. My house not dirty but it's a lot of shit that's misplaced. I like for my shit to be exact where I put it.

Once I was done with that, I washed my hair & styled it. I just did a simple ponytail bc I'm getting it done soon. A little job update, I've been working for Bey & the pay is real good. Like real good. I quit my other jobs bc it was no need for it & besides stripping was getting boring.

I checked my phone again to make sure I didn't have anything from Beyoncé. Still nothing. I called Kelly. "hiii strangerrrr." She said as I laughed. "I'm not a stranger. You just don't come out the house anymore & hang with us. Speaking of us, have you heard from Bey?" I said. "No we haven't talked since yesterday evening. Something about a.. nevermind but that's the last thing we talked about." She said as I raised my eyebrows. "Hm. We keeping secrets now? Okay whateverrrr. I'll talk to you later. I love youuu." I said. "Okay. I love you toooooo Nic." She said as I hung up.

I took another shower bc the clothes I have on now are kinda damp from my hair & bc I wanna be fresh when I go to Beyonce's house. Even though ima be pissed at her ass.

After I got ready & shit, I headed out the house. I pulled up to her house bc she lives like less than 5 minutes away from me. I saw her car & another one & I frowned. Tf?

I knocked on her door & guess who opened the fucking door?. Mariah. "What the fuck." I yelled walking past Mariah. "Baby she just came over here. I didn't do anything with her. I promise." Beyoncé said as I just shook my head. "Ask me about the Bumblee tattoo then." Mariah said as I just closed my eyes & tried to calm myself from flashing out in her house. "How does she know about that tattoo on your ass Beyoncé?" I semi yelled as she jumped a little. Tf she jumping for? I didn't do shit yet.

"Baby listen." She started off as I held my hand up. "No YOU listen. I put all the love & effort I had into this relationship bc I thought you was different. Whole time you doing the same shit everybody else do. I trusted you. I never had to question what you were doing behind my back cause I thought we was locked in. Whole time you fucking off on a bitch that catch STD's every fucking month. That shit is nasty as fuck. You mad at me about some shut that's not even that deep. The kiss was when we was back in high school. That shit was so long ago. & besides that's no reason for you to be fucking off with a opp ass bitch. But fuck it at this point. I'm leaving. Don't worry about texting back or nunnadet shit. I'm cool." I said about to walk out but she grabbed my arm.

"Let me fucking explain." She yelled a little as I just pulled away from her. I sat on her couch & crossed my arms. "I'm listening. This shit better make sense bc I'm leaving." I said as she just sighed. "Alright. So this is the truth & nothing but the truth. You can believe it or don't but baby I'm telling you the truth. She pulled up looking for you bc she wanted to talk to you. I don't know how she got my address but somehow she did. I told her that you wasn't here & that you didn't wanna talk to her. I asked her numerous times to leave her her ass didn't wanna leave. So I said fuck it im not finna argue with this bitch. So I told her she can stay down here until you get here. & that's exactly what she did. Now the tattoo speaks for itself honestly. You know I wouldn't do you no foul shit like this & for you to think that is crazy. She obviously has to see that shit on social media bc I don't even play like that." She said as I just sighed.

"You shouldn't have even opened the door for this bitch. Now you got me all upset over some dumb shit you had me assuming. Stop doing dumb shit before I really leave your ass. & where is your phone? Why you couldn't call or text me back?" I said. "My phone is broke. I threw that shit at Jolene when she got smart with me in court. Luckily ain get in deeper shit bc she started it. She said & I quote 'girl I'll slap the fuck outta you ain't nb scared'. So you know me, ion take threats too well so I told her ass to do it. & soon as she got ready to walk over to me, I stood up. The damn polices came & tried to stop me from hitting her ass but they was too slow. My phone went straight for her head. I got good ass aim too. But that shit it unfixable." She said as I just shook my head & laughed. "Well damn." I said.

"Okay so do you wanna hear what I had to tell you?" Mariah said as I just looked at her. "Bitch why are you still here? Don't show up to my girl house again with no bullshit. The first ass whooping wasn't enough? Who tf even gave you her address?" I said. "Robyn did." She said as i scoffed. "Oh so now she want her ass beat too?" I asked as she shook her head. "You can't. She's pregnant." She said as I had a confused look on my face.

"Wasn't y'all just calling each other baby & shit like last week? Y'all got some weird shit going on. Me & Bey ain't got shit to do with that & we don't give a fuck. So I don't know why you're telling me but like okay tf can I do about it? Fuck you, fuck her, & fuck that baby. Now get the fuck out. So I can see my baby tattoo in PERSON & in action hoe. Unlike your miserable ass. Go play step mommy to Rihanna baby bitch. Don't bring yo hoe ass round here no more. Cause if I see you at this fucking house again after she told you plenty of times to get out, then ima give you a rerun of last week. & this time ain't letting up for nobody. Fuck all that shit." I said as she just smacked her lips & walked out.

"Did you kiss her?" I asked. "No." She said. "Fuck her?" I asked. "No." She replied. "Touch her in any kinda way?" I asked as she looked at me with a frustrated expression. "No Onika. Damn." She said as i just shrugged.

"Tryna make sure I can kiss you & shit so ion catch a disease." I said as she sighed. "I didn't touch, fuck, or kiss her ass. I'm not dumb, I would never cheat on you. I know how that shit feels & I wouldn't want anyone going through that shit. Now stop tripping on me & come at me correct. I missed you. & oh. Somebody's birthday coming up." She said as I laughed. "I'm sorry I thought you were dogging my ass. & yeah yours." I said. "Nah I ain't doing that shit. & I know mines is but I was talking about yours. Ion wanna do shit but fuck & eat cake & Popeyes for my birthday." She said as I nodded. "You so big omg." I groaned as she smirked.

"That's what you said the other night." She said as I just smacked my lips. "Shut up. See now I'm finna leave." I said tryna get up as she pushed me back down & sat on me. "No you staying here forever. I will keep you hostage." She said as I laughed. "& ima scream." I said she bounced up & down on me as I tried to kick her off of me. "You gone do that anyways." She said as I felt her lick my coochie. When tf did she even get my shorts off?

"FUCKKKK." I moaned out as she stopped & pulled my shorts back up. "Freak." She said getting up & walking out her living room. "Why'd you stop?" I asked following her. "I heard my phone ringing.... I'll make it up to you later baby... hello??.. no mommy i was talking to Nicki... mind your businessssss... omgg no we were not talking about sex.. sex is for grown ups mama... you said what we do then?? we fucks!!." She said as I just quietly walked out the kitchen. Why would she say that to her mother 😭. Now I'm embarrassed to meet her ass. Beyoncé is so unhinged.

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