2 months later
It's been 2 months since the incident happened. So far, so good. Nothing has came up so that's good. Nicki & i have been doing great, I actually get to meet Rylee today. I was supposed to been meet her, but I got injured & it took a while for me to recover from that.

I currently moved in with her so now it's gonna be easier for our relationship. "What time is you going to pick her up?" I asked. "1:00. My momma is cooking & she wanted her to stay over a little longer. Unless you wanna eat by her house." She said. "No offense but I am so tired of seeing her, considering she was my therapist. So I'll stay here but you can go if you want." I said as she just laughed. "Okay." She said. "You look good." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh so now I look good? After you made me change my outfit 3 times?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes." I said smiling as she just shook her head. "& you look.... Like you always do." She said as I frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Nothing baby, you just look.... Hm... comfortable?" She said questioning herself as I just laughed. "I'm sexy." I said as she just rolled her eyes. "Yeah okay miss girl." She said as I just waved her off. Hater.

3 hours later
It's currently 1:30 & Nicki is still not here. I decided to text her bc I literally have nothing else to do. She didn't respond so I frowned a little. I called Kelly to see if she wanted to hang until Nic got back.

Kelly 🧞‍♀️🍫- yeah, I'll be over in 10

Kelly responded to my message & I got up to freshen up. Since Nic said I looked comfortable 🙄, she just hating cause she had to change her outfit over and over.

Baby 💘👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽💍- baby there's a note on my car

Me- wya?

Baby 💘👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽💍- target, I needed to pick up a few items

Me- for?

Baby 💘👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽💍- my cycle???

Me- damn it's that time again? okay baby well be careful & I'll look into the note shit when you get here. don't throw it away.

Baby 💘👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽💍- okay, see you soon 💘

Me- 💘💘.

I had a feeling that Kelly wasn't coming so I just put me a movie on & waited on Nic to come back with Rylee. Soon as the movie started, I heard a car pull up so I'm assuming it was Nicki. She came through the front door with Rylee trailing behind her. They look just alike 😭.

"Hi." Rylee said shyly as she walked up to me. I giggled a little & waved at her. "Hii pretty girl." I said she smiled & put her fingers in her mouth. "Hands out your mouth Rylee." Nicki said as Rylee looked at Nicki & rolled her neck.

I laughed & Nicki glared at me. "Don't get beat up." Nicki said to me walking upstairs as I smacked my teeth. I forgot she was on her period. Now she finna act like the whole world done hurt her. "Mommy no feels good so her mads." Rylee said as I nodded. "You know my name?" I asked. "Mhm. Bey....yonsay?" She asked as I just nodded. "Good job. Now let's go make mommy feel better." I said picking her up.

We went in the kitchen & I sat her on the counter while I fixed up something light. Nicki like pasta & shit so I had looked up a TikTok to cook her favorite pasta. Once that was done, I went to make some garlic Parmesan wings. I didn't think it was gonna turn out right so I just prayed. "You sleep?" She asked as I looked at her. "No. I was daydreaming." I said laughing. "I does that too!" She said with excitement. "Really?" I asked with the same tone as her. "Yeah! Mommy says it no real!! I tells her me fwend IS real!!" Rylee yells as i shushed her.

"Wow y'all talking about me?" Nicki asked as she walked up behind me & hugged me. "No we wasn't, huh Ry Ry?" I said as Rylee nodded. "Right BB." She said as I smiled. "Anyways it smells good in here. What you cooking?" She asked. "Your favorite. Pasta & garlic Parmesan wings." I said as she gasped. "Omg I love youuuuu." She said as I just laughed. "I love you more. Now leave so me & Rylee can talk." I said. "Yeah bye bye mommy." Rylee said with attitude & I bust out laughing. "Okay twin." Nicki said to Rylee as she thumbed her forehead before leaving out the kitchen.

"Hmph! Her audacity!!" Rylee pouted. "I know right!! HER AUDACITY!!" I said. "Kiss me forehead BB." Rylee said as I giggled. She's just like Nic I swear. I pecked her forehead & she smiled. "No tells mommy but me kisses a boy at the park." She said as I shook my head. "No you can't do that Ry Ry." I said. "Why not? Him boy fwend BB." She said as I just ignored her.

I fixed Nicki plate & some juice. "Help me take this to mommy." I said Rylee jumped down from the cabinet & I handed her a fork. "You hold this while I carry the rest. Don't run." I said as she nodded.

"Wait before we go up there, how would you feel if me & Nicki got married?" I asked her as she nodded. "Me will be happy. Mommy wikes you & i wikes you so we be happy." She said as I just nodded. I wasn't gonna ask Nicki to marry me now bc it's too soon, but I will eventually.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now