Today was the last day of my therapy sessions. I can finally go to work without having to worry about my therapy sessions & shit. There's really nothing to tell at this point bc I've basically told the worst part.

"Well this is the last time I hope to see you in this room. Now tell the the last of what happened." She said as I sighed. "I hope the same, i am sick of these pink walls. You & Nic just alike I swear." I said as she laughed.

"Baby can you please just talk to me?" I heard Jay say as we entered the courthouse. "We can talk after you sign the papers like I said. We can talk ab where you're gonna work & where you're gonna stay." I said as he smacked his teeth. I shrugged & asked the people at the front where are we supposed to go.

"Go upstairs. First door to your right." He said as I nodded. "Thank you." I said. Once I found the room, I knocked on the door & entered. "Ah, you actually came. I thought you were being dramatic." The woman said as I fake smiled & sat down. "No I was being very serious. Now can we get started? I have to go to work in like an hour." I said as she nodded.

After she explained everything, I signed the papers & waited in Jay to sign it. "I don't have all day Shawn." I said with an attitude as he huffed & took the pen. Once he signed it, I got up & left. "I want you to come get the rest of your shit or else it's getting burned. & I want you to get your shit from the office or I'm giving it to the needy." I said as I walked to my car.

Months past & I still haven't been talking to anyone. I shut everyone out except Kelly. My sister, dad, nor my mother knew about what I just been through. They knew about the divorce but they didn't know ab me staying inside 24/7 & not going out nor working.

Flashback over

"That's pretty much it. Then I started coming out my shell again & that's when I met a few other ppl but shit didn't work out so I stopped for a lil while & got back to myself & here we are now. In a fully committed relationship again with the girl I trust & love the most." I said as she just nodded. "Well that's good. Now about the situation now, what are you planning doing to cope with it?" She asked as I sighed.

"I'm gonna kill them. Simple." I said as she shook her head. "But you'll be back in trouble with the law." She said as i shrugged. "Long as I got my revenge I don't care." I said. "Well, I don't what to tell you. You've done all your sessions & completed all your hours so congratulations. Hopefully I get to see you again outside of work. At a dinner or something." She said as I stood up & nodded. "Ofc just let me or Nic know & we'll set it up. Thank you so much." I said giving her a side hug as I left out her building.


I went home & called Nicki. She's coming over in a couple hours she was busy getting her hair done. I sat outside on my porch & did something I have t done in a long time. I rolled my blunt & smoked it. I heard kids & I thought I was tripping so I brushed it off. That was until I saw them coming into my driveway. I thought my gate was closed but I guess not. I'm too lazy to open & close that shit. Only time it gets closed is when I'm about to go to bed.

"Can I help y'all?" I asked as they nodded. "Yes ma'am, um my brother & I was going for a walk bc our mom & dad was arguing but we took the wrong road & now we're lost. I was wondering if we could call our parents on your phone." The little girl said as I nodded.

"Well ofc, come inside & take a seat it's getting dark. Who are your parents?" I asked. "Jo- wait omg.. you're Beyoncé. Mom says we can't be around you bc you'll kill us. We have to go." She said running to the door but it was locked. Only way she could unlock it was if she knew she security pin. It was easy as fuck, it's all 4s. But she don't know that shit.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now