2 weeks later
"Cookie you're on in 5." My boss said as I just sighed. I honestly hate doing this every other night but I mean, it's fast money & yeah. "Okay." I said. I went to the dressing room & put on my new pink outfit.

I haven't talked to Beyoncé today so hopefully she texts me back by the time I'm done working tonight. I really like her & we've been getting closer by the day.

Once I was ready, I met with the other girls. "Good luck tonight cookie. Maybe you'll find smb to give the cookie up to again, finally." My friend Mariah said as I shook my head. "No. Hell no." I said as she just smacked her teeth. "You can't be innocent forever." She said as i shrugged. "I'm not innocent. I just value myself better than the rest of y'all. Nobody's getting me unless I know they're the one & besides, I have to be ready. & im not gonna fuck let anyone fuck me. You know this." I said as she just nodded.

"Well you sure did let meek hit it out the park. But boss said it's your turn now. I heard that crazy psycho bitch was here so be careful." She said as I frowned up at her a little. "Her name is Beyoncé & I have nothing to worry about. Me & her are... cool." I said in question as she just raised her eyebrows at me. "Let me find out she's the one that gone get you outta your sex drought." She said as I just laughed. "Omg leave me alone." I said as she just laughed at me. "Once she finds out ab the real you, then she ain't want it anyways." She said as I just frowned. "What?" I asked.

"You're a murderer Nicki." She whispered as I just chuckled. "So you would just let a man touch on your daughter Clover & do nothing about it? Her father to be clear? No. I did what i had to do. Meek touched my daughter inappropriately & he hit on her as if she was a grown child. He knew what was gonna happen to him. I don't play about my baby girl. Which is why my mama watching her for me now. But whenever I get a stable job, best believe she's coming back with me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a show to put on. & don't call me Nicki ever again. It's Cookie bitch." I said walking to the stage entrance.

I can't tell nobody shit. Yeah I get i fucked up but I wasn't gonna let anybody mess w my baby & get away with it. & it was her father at that. Like how the fuck could you do that. But I did my time for it, & at the end of the day, he won't touch another child bc he dead now.

I pushed all that to the back of my head & I did my damn thing. It was time for me to finish my dance so I twirled around the pole again & landed it with a split. I caught eyes with Beyoncé until I broke the stare & went back off the stage.

"You have a private session with someone." My boss said as I sighed. "Can I decline?" I asked as he shrugged. "Yeah, but only if you wanna lose $4,000." He said as my eyes widened. "Who's back there?" I asked. "Idk, she has blonde hair & she's tall as fuck. She also said if I didn't let her see you then she'd shoot everybody in here. So like I need you to go see her." He said as I just giggled & nodded. Of course she'd say something like that. "Okay I'm goingggg." I dragged out.

He gave me the key bc they was finna lock up & private sessions take a while. Everyone usually be gone by then well except for my boss. He's always here. Making sure everything is like it's supposed to be.

I went in the room & I saw Beyoncé sitting in a chair but it was turnt where her back was facing me. I felt a little uncomfortable so I grabbed my cover-up & put it on. "So do I have to shoot y'all orrrrr?" She asked with her back still turnt as I laughed. "You gone shoot me? Really? Wow Beyonce." I said dramatically said she turnt around quickly.

She smiled & I walked up to her & sat in a chair by her. "So what brings you by?" I asked. "I wanted to see you." She said as I wanted to smile but I remembered what happened earlier. "Hm okay. Why'd you leave me on seen then? & you didn't call back like you said you would." I said as she smacked her teeth. "I was busy." She said as I just rolled my eyes again.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now