5 years later
December 16
Today I was gonna pop the big question to Nicki. I was scared, well nervous as fuck. I know we been together for some time but still, it's just a lot of emotions going on at once. Not only that, but she's pregnant with our first baby together. A baby boy. We used artificial sperm to make this happen.

Rylee is currently 10 years old & she's just as precious as she can be. She's so excited about her baby brother & she's so helpful to Nicki. Rylee is so smart & talented. She won first place at her talent show, placing her school talent rank from number 7 to number 4 in the state!

I was currently out finishing up the decorations & shit with Kelly. "I can't believe this is actually happening right now. You finally found someone for you. Someone who loves you for you & excepts you for who you are. I'm so happy for y'all. I love the both of you & I wish you nothing but the best. Ahhhhh my best friends getting marrieddddd." She said as I just chuckled & shook my head. I wanted to cry & I don't know why. It's just so many emotions that's running through my mind right now.

What if she says no? What if she doesn't think I'm good enough to be her wife? What if this turns into another Jay & I situation? What if her love isn't that deep for me?

"Don't overthink it Beyonce. Be real with her. She loves you. You loves her. You have nothing to worry about." Kelly said as I just sighed & nodded. "You're right. Thank you Kellz." I said hugging her as she just smiled. After we were done, I went home.

"Baby that's you?" I heard Nicki yelling from upstairs. "Yes baby I'm hereeeee." I yelled back. She's 6 months pregnant by the way. "What we're you doing for that long?" She asked. "With Kelly. I got plans for us tonight." I said as she just nodded. "Okay baby." She said. "Actually I need you to get ready right now. It didn't realize it was this late." I said.

"Ugh. I just got comfortable. But what should I wear? Something casual or fancy?" She asked. "Wear something fancy but comfortable. Like wear whatever you feel most comfortable in baby. & wear slides. I know your feet gonna be hurting in heels." I said as she nodded. "Gimme a couple hours & I'll be ready." She said as I sighed. "How about we take a shower together that way it won't be so long cause you like to get in there & stay forever." I said as she huffed. "Fine." She said as I laughed.

Once we was out the shower, I needed help picking a color outfit to wear. I don't wear pink so it was hard for me to choose it. But since tonight is about my baby, ima wear pink. I just gotta figure out which pink outfit I wanna put on. "RYLEEEEEEE?" I yelled as I heard footsteps. "Yes mama?" She asked. "Which outfit you like best?" I asked. "Option 2." She said as I nodded. "Thank you my dearest daughter." I said as she laughed. "I'm your ONLY daughter." She said as I shrugged.

"I just like getting in your nerves." I said as she shook her head. She is too grown for her age. "Mhm. Where you going tho? Does mommy know you're going out dressed up like this?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes actually she does know miss thing. & don't yell or anything but I'm going to propose tonight. Meanwhile you're gonna go to, as you would say it; your "aunt bestie" house." I said as she just gasped. "Like fr fr?" She whispered as I nodded. "Omggggg finally." She said as I laughed. "Now get out so I can finish." I said as she smacked her lips. "No makeup mama. Like you always tell me, makeup doesn't define you, it just hides your true beauty." She said as I just smiled & nodded. "Okay Ry Ry, no makeup." I said.

She walked out & I saw Nicki coming out the bathroom in her white robe. "We wearing pink? Tonight must be real special." She said as I just giggled. "I mean tonight IS about you so I mean hey why not?" I said as she just nodded. "You must wanna fuck?" She randomly asked as I raised my eyebrows. "Why you say that?" I asked. "Cause you standing there eyeing me down & looking good as fuck." She said as I laughed. "I mean shit we can after we get back but right now we need to be leaving in like 10 minutes." I said. "Solo coming over?" She asked as I shook my head. "No we dropping Rylee off at her house. I'm telling you once we get back home, ima slut you out. We don't need no distractions." I said as she just blushed.

30 minutes later
We we're currently at the scenery & she was in awe. It was supposed to be a surprise but she's too damn nosy 😭. We were outside of a restaurant eating & she kept burping & laughing. "You think you funny?" I asked as she nodded. "Hilarious." She said. She burped again & let out a cute ass little giggle as I shook my head laughing. "Now if I fart you gone say I'm nasty but you burping & laughing every 10 seconds." I said. "Bc burping is fun." She said as I just looked at her. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that big ass head of hers. "I wonder the same thing about you." She said as I looked at her confused.

"Huh?" I asked. "You said that out loud dumbass." She said as I laughed. "Oh... damn." I said as she just shook her head. "I love you so much." She said as I smiled. "I love you way more than you'd ever know." I said as she blushed. "Are you done eating?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah, you done?" I asked as she nodded.

I took that moment to prepare myself. "Are you okay? You look like you're thinking about something." She said as I just sighed.

"For the past 5-6 years, you've shown me so many things that I never knew existed. A love like this is something I didn't know imagine myself experiencing. That was until I met you. You're so perfect for me baby. I want this shut forever. I didn't fully take time to plan out what I actually wanted to say so I'm not gonna make this long. I just want you to know I love you & Rylee both & I can't see you just being my girlfriend anymore. Its till death do us part. So with that being said, will you do me the honors of being my wife?" I said getting down on one knee as she cried. "Yes omg babyyyyyyy." She said as I got up off my knee & hugged her.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, omg I fucking love you." She said crying on my shoulder as I just chuckled a little. "I love you more wife." I said. She pulled away & i put the ring on her finger. "I'm ready to fuck now." She said as I laughed. "Okay baby we can go, our first I have to pay for this inside. You can wait here, or you can go back to the car." I said. "I can't go with you?" She asked as I shook my head. "It's a long walk baby. I don't want your feet to start hurting. We got a lot of fucking to do & I don't want you in pain before we get started." I said as she just nodded. "True. Hurry back!" She said.

I jogged to the front of the restaurant & I went inside. It was no one in here which was strange. "Hello?" I yelled as I heard footsteps coming.

It was pretty dark out here, so I went & sat in the car. I made sure the doors were locked because I don't like the dark. I saw a dim light coming from somewhere & i assumed it was Beyoncé.

Once I saw the tall, slim, brown skin figure I froze. "Jolene?" I asked. "Nope, try again baby." The girl said as I stood there confused. That bitch can't be Jolene, I killed her ass. "Then who?" I asked. "Her twin. Speaking of Jolene, have you heard from her? Last thing I heard was you two didn't like each other." She said as I shook my head. "I haven't seen her since my last court day which was years ago. Things didn't end as well as I wanted it to, but I mean at least I'm a free woman." I said.

"I don't believe you bitch. Now where the fuck is my sister?" She asked pulling out a gun. The day ain't packing is the day hoes wanna try me. I put my hands up & told her to calm down.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!! My sister, her husband, & kids are missing. It's your fault bitch. Now follow me." She said pushing me outside holding my arm as I tried to yank away from her. She threw me into the back of a truck & all I could think about was Nicki, Rylee, & our baby boy. "My family need me Lord. Please don't let her kill me." I whispered as the truck down closed.

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