"She gets around." By now I was tuned all the way out. At first I was talking to my best friend about something & somehow it switched to the topic of Beyoncé. "Are you even listening?" She semi yelled as I nodded. "Mhmmmm." I hummed as she just smacked her teeth. "I'm tryna help you out. Your so called girlfriend is a hoe. She hits & quit everyone." Rihanna said as I just listened. "Anyways, which lingerie piece looks better? Red or black?" I asked with my tongue out as she just looked at me. "Don't matter bc you won't be the only one wearing lingerie for her." She said as I frowned. Why's she so worried about me & my relationship.

"Are you jealous?" I blurted out as she scoffed. "Jealous of getting cheated on? I don't think so baby girl." She said as I just chuckled. "Then why the hell are you so worried about me getting cheated on? So what if she cheats on me, I know how to leave. Unlike you. She isn't Chris & im not you okay, so please stop comparing my relationship with yours. They're nothing alike." I said as she just mumbled something.

"What you say?" I asked walking to my kitchen looking in my fridge for something to cook later. Bey is supposed to be coming over later & I would love it if Rihanna stopped judging my relationship. "Nothing, do you." She said as I sighed. She's so sensitive. Every time I say something to her that she doesn't like, she gets all sad & shit. "Okay." I simply said as she got up & grabbed her purse.

"But I would never get in a relationship with someone my best friend fucked." She said as I froze. "What?" I asked as she just scoffed. "Oh now you wanna listen. Good fucking bye Onika." She said as I groaned.

"Whatever. You're just a jealous bitch. I don't care how you take it Rihanna. Bc I thought you would be at least happy for me but you're judging my whole relationship. Like your whole conversation literally been about Beyonce. If you like her then just be real with me. Bc it's giving me that you're jealous bc she's with me & not you. I can't help it you're not happy with Chris. Fucking leave him if that's the case. But come judging my relationship bc you want what I got. I hate bitches like that & you know it. So please act like my best friend & not lien one of them. Even if you don't like me being with her then still act like you're happy for me. Cause even though Chris treats you like shit, I still call him my brother in law & shit. & I thought this what you wanted for me, I could you not, you're the one that was telling me to get out the house & start dating again. But whenever I finally do, you act like this? I don't fucking understand it." I said.

"You really don't get it do you? How slow are you? But whatever. I love you, I'm leaving now." She said as I looked at her confused. "I love you more." I said. "Yeah... only as a friend tho." She said as she gave me a side hug & grabbed her purse. I frowned in confusion & she walked out. Once I made sure she was gone, I decided to call my baby.

I was currently finishing up my therapy session. "& then a week after she started being our assistant, I'd notice her & jay getting real close & shit. So one day I decided to ask if they knew each other outside of work bc they seem really close & she gone tell me that they used to fuck around. so there it was. all this time I left him in the office alone with her & whole time they used to be together. But after that I fired her & went off on him." I said as she just shook her head. "Wow." Was all she said.

My phone started ringing & I checked to see who it was. "Hey baby." I said smiling as if she could see me. "hey." She said as I frowned. Usually she'd be way more excited to talk to me. "What's wrong?" I asked as she sighed. "I need to talk to you about something. Are you still coming over?" She asked. "Yeah I'll be there in like 10 minutes." I said as she sighed. "Mk." She said & hung up.

"Nicki?" My therapy asked as I frowned. "How you know?" I asked as she pointed to my phone. "I saw her contact name." She said in a duh tone. "Oh. Well yeah. That's my baby. I gotta go, I think she mad at me." I said as she laughed. "That's fine. I'll see you back here on Wednesday. Don't do anything stupid before then. I'll expect to see you here on time & looking the same." She said as I just nodded. I walked out her office & went to my car.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now