"How many sessions did she have me down for?" I asked. I was already getting annoyed with this bitch. "Until I get down to the bottom of this. How many do you think that would take?" She said as I sighed. "It's a lot. But I mean since the session is only a 1 hour for each appearance, I'd say at least like 4-6." I said as she nodded.

"Okay well shall we begin? Start from the beginning. Leave nothing out." She said as I shook my head & giggled. "We're gonna be here for a while. Cause once I start, I don't think I can stop." I said. "I have a timer. When it goes off then we'll pick up again another day ." She said as I nodded.

April 4, 2008
"I do." Jay said as I smiled. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The pastor said as I looked up at Jay as we leaned in. We shared a very passionate & loving kiss. Our first kiss as husband & wife.

We enjoyed our night. I love nights like this. Where it's just us & family. No outsiders. No side chicks. No drama. Just stress free & happy. That was until 4 years later.

"Jay, I don't feel too good. I feel dizzy & weak." I said as he sat up in the bed. "You wanna go to the hospital?" He asked as I nodded. I am currently a few weeks pregnant & after 3 years of trying to have a baby, i finally was able to get pregnant... again.

We got ready & headed to the hospital. Jay helped me in & out the car. "Thank you." I said softly as he nodded & grabbed my hand. "You're fine baby?" He asked as I shrugged. "I just feel weird. Tired & drained. I just wanna sleep." I said as he sighed. "You're gonna be fine. Maybe that's the symptoms of being pregnant baby." He said as I nodded. "I hope so." I said more so to myself.

Once we were signed in, we were instantly called to the back. They weighted me & took my height as I went back to the ultrasound room. "Okay let's see how baby is doing." The lady said as I smiled. We was so happy to see our baby again.

The tech kept feeling & looking around for the baby but there was nothing. "Hm, let's check for a heartbeat. Sometimes this machine is down & it does that." She said as I just nodded. I kinda figured that we lost the baby so i wouldn't be surprised if there was no heartbeat. But hearing that there actually was no heartbeat, make my heart explode. "I'm so sorry. But.... There's no heartbeat." She said as I just bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from crying.

"So that's it? Not again." I asked as my voice cracked. "No... there's also some other news I just received. Unfortunately you will never be able to conceive a child." She said as I just got up & walked out. There's no way. I can't be mad at no one but myself. It's my fault.

Flashback over

"Your time is up. But I would like to know why do you feel as though it's your fault for not being able to conceive?" The therapist said as I just sighed. "That's another story. But I don't mind going over my time." I said as she nodded.

It's currently 12 PM & I still haven't heard anything from Jay. He was supposed to be here at 10, that's when the party ended. I asked if anyone saw him before I left bc we came together, but no one said anything so I left.

I checked his location & he was at his home. At this time we were just dating & not married. But still. He ready knows I can't control my anger so he better just be sleep at his house.

I drove to his house & his car & everything was there, but there was also another car in the driveway. I got out my car & went in his house. I had a key to it. I heard thumping & low noises coming from his room so I laughed to myself. He must thought I was playing when I told him I was crazy. I grabbed a knife from his kitchen & walked upstairs to his room. I busted the door in to see him & another girl going in. I charged at her but she moved before the knife could connect.

Jolene Where stories live. Discover now