05| 𝐈𝐬𝐡𝐚

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Ishitha POV:

It's been many days since I moved into Ansh's house, sorry, it is a palace. Let me tell you honestly, this place is huge—huge in the sense we could build a small village in this place. I am still not good with the way here, I will always get lost trying to find my way into the kitchen.

I am now sleeping in Ansh's room because he said he is afraid of leaving me alone. Since I moved here, he has never left my side until Adi Bhaiyya forces him to work. He will still sulk while going, and even Adi Bhaiyya has been overprotective of me since then.

I am glad that they welcomed me with open arms when my own parents abandoned me. I know I am the reason my brother died, but that doesn't justify them abandoning me, right?

But above everything, I have never felt like I am living in a stranger's place here. I have always felt like I am at home, and this inexplicable connection between me and Ansh is growing every day. He is like everything to me now, the center of my universe. And also, one more important thing: I transferred into a new school, which will start in a month.

These days, I have been getting nightmares every day. Most of them are about my brother, but soon after I wake up gasping, Ansh is always right beside me, hugging me close. He will comfort me. Somehow, I feel safe in his arms. Is it possible for anyone to feel this way? I don't know, but for me, this man is my comfort place.

I am still stuck in a dark place. I wanted to come out, but all I see around me is dark. What is it this time? Suddenly, the entire place changed into pure white, and in the distance, I saw a woman coming towards me. Whoa, this never happened before in my dreams.

That lady seemed so elegant, and her aura is so comforting. She gently smiled at me, patting my head. I slowly asked, "Who are you?"

She said, "I am your mother, your birth mother."

My birth mother? What in the hell! Before I could ask something, she said, "There is a reason for your birth, Isha. That is why I myself gave birth to you and replaced you with the daughter born in that family."

I whispered, "Why?" She said, "The daughter born for them has died after birth, so I gave you to them."

"How cou..ld you?" I stuttered. She said, "Nothing is in my hands, child. Everything is now played by fate. I am just a messenger."

She then pushed a boy hiding behind her towards me. "Bhai?" I ran to him, hugging him. He smiled, hugging me tighter. He said, "I missed you, my little devil."

I said, "I missed you too. I am sorry that you died because of me, Bhai." He pulled out and cupped my face, saying, "No! Who told you that? I died because I wasn't careful."

"But bhai..."

"You have to let me go, Ishuu. There is a bright future for me, and trust me, I will always keep watching you from afar." He said.

I asked, wiping my tears, "Promise?" He pinky promised me. The woman said, "Since you are my own child, you will have powers which are so powerful that humankind has never seen before. So please be careful with that."

I have powers?, I asked "What kind of powers?" She said, "It is not my place to say, child. I hope you will find them out soon and practice to control it. Your Ansh will help you."

Ansh? How can he help me? Does he also have powers?, I asked "Who exactly are you?"

She said, "I am the Goddess of Love, Mother Love." With that, she vanished. My brother waved at me before vanishing, and soon I woke up to someone shaking me vigorously.

He pulled me close and caressed my hair, asking, "Did you have nightmares again?"

I pulled out and looked at him. His eyes looked so worried, and he had dark bags under his eyes. Along with me, he also never slept.

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