26| 𝐈𝐬𝐡𝐚

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As you delve into this chapter, you may notice the introduction of spiritual figures. I approach these elements with reverence, aiming to emphasize universal themes of love and resilience. My intention is to prompt reflection and understanding, and I apologize if any discomfort arises unintentionally. Thank you for your openness as you engage with my story.

Happy Reading!

Ishitha POV:

The battlefield was destroyed all around us. Smoke filled the air, mixing with the metallic scent of blood. My heart felt heavy with sorrow. But the worst pain was seeing Aarush lying in Ansh's arms, motionless.

His skin was burnt, barely breathing. Ansh wept as I knelt beside them, my heart breaking.

"Aarush," I whispered, trembling. "Please, don't leave us, kiddo."

My hands shook as I held Aarush's lifeless hand. Ansh was devastated, clinging to Aarush. I could see his vulnerability.

Thunder rumbled, heavy rain fell. Adi bhaiyya sat frozen, silent. The world blurred, battle sounds fading into grief-filled silence. As we sat there, a soft, glowing light appeared. It grew brighter, cutting through the darkness.

Through tear-blurred vision, I saw a figure emerging from the light.

Mother love, and a divine figure was coming towards us. I could make out the distinct form of a man, yet he radiated an otherworldly aura.

As the light surrounding him grew brighter, the details of his appearance became clearer.

He was unlike anyone I had ever seen, his skin a shade of deep blue, as if the night sky itself had taken human form. His eyes were gentle, filled with a timeless wisdom and an infinite compassion that seemed to pierce through my very soul.

He wore a regal crown adorned with peacock feathers, and his serene face was framed by long, flowing hair. Draped in elegant robes that shimmered with an ethereal glow, he exuded an air of both majesty and profound peace.

In one hand, he held a beautiful golden flute, and as he moved, a faint, melodious tune seemed to hang in the air, comforting and familiar.

Around his neck, he wore a garland of fresh, fragrant flowers, their scent mingling with the cool, clean smell of the rain. Despite the surrounding chaos, the rain seemed to avoid him, creating a halo of calm.

As he drew nearer, I could see a soft, divine light emanating from his very being, illuminating the darkness around us. His presence alone seemed to push back the shadows, infusing the battlefield with a sense of hope and serenity.

With trembling lips, I managed to ask, "Who are you?"

He smiled, a gentle and knowing expression that brought a wave of calm over my shattered nerves. "I am the beginning and end of all creations," he said, his voice a soothing melody that resonated deep within me.

"I am the origin of time, the creator of this cosmos and the source of life. There is nothing in this universe that is beyond my attainment. Yet, I am doing my karma so that the world may follow my example. The earth is presently with sinners. I have come on this earth, as I do in every age, to eradicate sin and restore goodness in humanity."


"People who are closer to me will also call me Gopala, Govinda, Madhusudana, or Keshava."

My mind reeled, struggling to process the magnitude of what I was witnessing. Lord Krishna, the divine being from the stories of my childhood, the deity I had prayed to countless times, stood before me. It was as if the universe itself had bent to my desperate plea.

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